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lovelydonk's picture
trouble to adapt to a type of player

havin problems on ftp this month : players seems to play diffrently at 30 s to 100 s .... i m playin the deep stack husng, and c bets never almost never work, check raise either (even with air they call) , they don 't care about size bet they call anyway, 4x oop doesn't work either.... they shove a lot ... well... i tried to be hyper agressive but it doesn 't work ... i tried to be passive it didn't work either, i tried to play straight forward and they exploit it... they suck out many times ... sometimes they seem to play good ( but when u look at their stats they are most losing players ) don't know if the level just increased , but i feel i can't do any move at all anymore ...

what would u suggest ;;;;?



xSCWx's picture
Playing straight forward

Playing straight forward should work fine against hyper LAG players. You just need to be willing to call them down light if you know they are going to be bluffing light. You also should avoid building pots with weak hands if you know you are likely to be raised. If they are adapting to you then you will need to readjust your game to their new style.

jackoneill's picture
I really hate these players -

I really hate these players - especially since I absolutely don't like to go high variance against complete idiots.  At the moment, I even prefer playing against some bad regulars where I have some decent idea about what they're doing and how to expoit that.But against these donkeys, I've so often payed them off at the river because I knew they were running all kinds of completely ridiculous bluffs, and thus felt that my hand was too strong to laydown.  My biggest problem is still getting to the river for the first time in a huge pot - especially if I've already seen them bluff many, many flops and turns before, so I have reason to believe that they'll continue their bluffs at the river.  Unfortunately, the river then often brings some kind of a scarecard for my hand and they bet big - so I can only guess whether they really hit that card or not.

kingcobra's picture
Lovelydonk - it seems to me

Lovelydonk - it seems to me that you are just trying random variations against them and they are the ones adapting to you.  You want to adjust your c-bets to them, if they are calling too many of them then you want to go for value more, pretty simple there.  If your check raises aren't working, I'm not sure what that means, C/R with air and getting called, well you C/R with air less.  Then if they are calling you with air you will make more money from your made hands.  If they start tightening up then throw in some more air.  If they shove a lot then call their shoves with better hands and throw away the rest.  IF they suck out then thank them for being a donk and realize that you'll win more of these than you lose and that's the end of it.  Overall these players are easy to play against, if they play with air more then you'll make more money with your hands and you can even play fit or fold against many of these players, the game really doesn't get any easier than that actually, although if you're really looking to stomp them you need to continually look to adjust to their changing play and other than that don't get frustrated and let the cards fall where they may.