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arh7rf's picture
Turn Double Pairs, AQ high IP,??????

I sususpect that I have the best hand here most of the time but if I check it leaves me in an awkward situation on the river if he bets into me. Should I check to bluff catch rivers or should I lay down a blocking bet so that I don't have to and on some sort of off chance get value out of a K? BB1976GIORGIO4300  SBHero1700  Effective Stacks: 43bb Blinds 20/40 Pre-Flop (60, 2 players) Hero is SB Hero raises to 80, 1976GIORGIO calls 40 Flop (160, 2 players) 1976GIORGIO checks, Hero bets 80, 1976GIORGIO calls 80 Turn (320, 2 players) 1976GIORGIO checks, Hero bets 120 Final Pot: 440

breakroomgrinder's picture
c/back the turn and bluff

c/back the turn and bluff catch most rivers

Boulases's picture
c/back the turn and bluff

c/back the turn and bluff catch most rivers !!  ox2 and if he chek the river , bet