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2hotty420's picture
Typical sessions

Hello fellow husngoer'sLooking for some consensus on what a typical session for the hardcore is. I've been playing husng for about 6-9 months now and am long past suffering the ups and downs,suckers and suckouts etc. but I think im letting myself down with regards to volume. I work 9-5, have a gf, write part time for an online magazine so time can be in short supply. If im lucky I'll play a handful of reg speeds a night which I feel isn't enough. So my question is what do others (preferably winning players ;-) is what kind of volume do you put in say on a daily or weekly basis? Run Good!  2Hotty420

BA Baracus's picture
I'm in basically in same boat

I'm in basically in same boat (with some differences): wife, work full-time, gym... etc.    A few suggestions:1) Switch to Turbos.I especially like FTP's blind structure.  It's pretty fast, but I find that there's enough time for reads.  You can get in a bunch of them 2) Add a 2nd table/get a HUD.It's not as hard as advertised... especially if you get a HUD.  Multitabling is a learned skiill.. you will get used to it. The combination of 1+ 2 added volume easily.  I'm pretty deliberate in my decisions (slow); but I still get in about 12 games per hour.  (Each match averaging 10.5 minutes)