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UGH! I Play So Bad!

I am very impressed at my progress these last few weeks. I don't have too many original thoughts, drawing most of my thoughts from the videos I have watched, but still I am surprised at games where I know I am adapting correctly to the opponent and playing very well. I played a couple games today where I was completely satisfied with all my adjustments and bets and folds.I played my goal of 16 HU matches today (at the amazing stakes of $5.25) and I was at least relatively happy with seven of my games. One was just completely dumb...I insta-shoved after being 3B by a moron with ATs and before he even called I realized he wasn't 3-Betting a worse hand. Thus, one of my leaks: sometimes not taking enough of the clock for decisions for lots of chips. I do this quite often and there's no reason to be in such a hurry.But nevermind that game.Of the other eight games, three or four of them were not soooo bad, but not terribly good.But in the remaining four or five games today, I was pretty damn lost against some pretty bad opponents. I have no idea how to adjust to them. I am just starting to learn which opponents I have troubles with.Opponents that donk a lot of flops and fire multiple barrels kill me. Those that minraise every button are trouble. Players that 3B me often, many times min-reraising my open minraise, but also those who frequently 3B 3x. And players who call very wide OOP and continue on a large variety of dangerous flops (I can never seem to make a hand against these players and I don't think I can possibly double-barrel such awful boards!).I am sure I missing a couple opponent types, but as I said, I'm just starting to figure out who I fare poorly against.Most of these players range from bad to awful.I don't have any worse luck than anyone else, I just mostly lose when I play bad. YUCK!I have not yet run across videos that help me against these players. Or it may be the case that I have, but the instructor is so adept at quickly adjusting to these opponents that they are squashed before I can realize that they are playing like that.At any rate, I will keep up watching my goal of three videos a day and hope to run across some help with these players during the next week or two.I am thinking heavily about getting coaching from Ryan sooner rather than later...he recommended I watch many more videos before retaining him as coach, but if I cannot make this adjustment quickly, I think it would benefit me to get his coaching soon.I'm realistic about my poker skills and usually can realize when I am playing bad. When you have no idea what to do, you are probably playing badly, right? haha.So it's more positive than negative that I am playing badly right now, because I have LOOOOOTS of room for improvement. And this means that the edge a good player has over a bad player is quite large, so someday when I do learn how to play, it will be really profitable.