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pod777's picture
Use of Sharkscope

i have to questions about the sharkscope:1) do you guys use the sharkscope, to see, which table you want to join?2) at full tilt and stars it's prohibited to use it while havin their software open.... what about, if i have the software open but using at the same time sharkscope at my laptop? can they find out, that i'm using sharkscope while i have their software open? or don't you recommend using sharkscope, since it's prohibited using it while having their software open?:) 

thepuminator's picture
1) I just use it both to see

1) I just use it both to see if someone I dont recognize in a lobby is any good and also to see if the people who sit me are any good. 2) I use it while their software is open and have been for some time w/o anything happening but have no idea if they can find out that im using it.

Boulases's picture
i just copy/paste the % of

i just copy/paste the % of the player in the note window all the time ...  i will remacth to infinie a player whit a - 1 % roi ... 

RyPac13's picture
FTP I believe gives at least

FTP I believe gives at least one warning and Stars does not take any action at all for the use of sharkscope's database (not the HUD, the enforcement/penalties on that may be different).I've been hearing that PokerStars was going to allow it fully (maybe not in the present form however) for awhile now, but that obviously hasn't happened (while I won't recommend using it, their stance does effectively allow it, probably like pot in amsterdam if Pulp Fiction was accurate, but maybe it's fully legal there... anyways).I'm sure you could pull it up on a laptop, that might still be breaking the rules though, I'm not sure if they disallow it while playing or just while playing on the same machine.  I believe they only check the machine you're playing on though.  Not going to recommend taking any extreme measures to evade the rule or anything, but I'm pretty sure this is one of the least serious things you can ask about, so it's not a major thing to worry about (probably on par with swearing in the chat).I do know that Stars was allowing sites like top shark/playerscope and a few others that have popped up in recent years.  But in my experience none of those was ever near as accurate as sharkscope was.