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lovelydonk's picture
a usefull tool u can use to maximise ur profits

 hi guys

here are couple usefull tools u can copy paste in ur poker chat window to maximise ur profits ...I use it a lot 

............ /´¯/) 
.(...´....´....... /´. ) 
............../´¯/).............( \¯`\................ 
............/....//........... ...\\....\............ 
.........../....//............ ....\\....\........... 
...../´¯/..../´¯\.........../¯ `\....\¯`\............ 
.././.../..../..../.|_......_| .\....\....\...\.\.... 
(.(....(....(..../.)..)..(..(. \....)....)....).).... 
.\................\/.../....\. ..\/................/. 
..\................. /........\................../... 

if u guys wanna share some more and better ones that s cool...


RyPac13's picture
Something tells me that the

Something tells me that the time required to type that into a poker chat window is going to result in something significantly less than maximum profit ;)

lovelydonk's picture
copy paste man ....that s

copy paste man ....that s the trick 

if u wanna get paid try it 

i swear man ...they freak out ...and they start playin bad  ( i mean worse )

trash talk is a good weapon but while multi tablin it takes too much time ...so those symbols make the job

olionion's picture
 I could have done with

 I could have done with this the other day, villain types TY after i open shuv A9s into his AA at about 10bb deep..... thankfully he sat me again and i got the second game, i didnt stoop so low as to say TY,  i find GG is the most satisfying thing to write after playing someone that is rude in chat.

RyPac13's picture
I find that the more

I find that the more satisfaction that I get from beating an asshole, the more pissed off I am when they win.  Emotions are too draining!

dzikijohnny's picture
You can always use the quick

You can always use the quick version.     ,,l,,

kingcobra's picture
Geez that quick version sure

Geez that quick version sure would save a lot of keystrokes versus some of the normal stuff you see like what the f*** are you doing calling me there you f***ing donkey!!!!!!!