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puma10's picture
Using data mining against a regular opponent

I know a lot of HUSNG players don't use any poker software but I have very specific situation that either Poker Tracker or  Hold'em Manager could really help with. I have played a hyper aggressive opponent about 150 matches. He has been running unordinary lucky against me and it has really taken me off my game. We sometimes play up to 20 matches in a day so I think some work away from the table is necessary to track his tendencies. What software do you guys think is the best and how would I go about using it.

I would like to delve into the following

  • his IP PF raising rage
  • his OOP calling range
  • his 3 betting range
  • his 3 bet calling range
  • his 4 betting range
  • his flop check raising range
  • of hands he calls OOP

.....thats just to begin.  He takes some strange lines that I would like to figure out.
I know he will continue to play me on a daily basis and I invite the challenge because he has and will continue to make me a better player.

I think figuring out how to analyze our games together will be a crucial step towards me coming out on top of our little vendetta.

************ EDIT ************
This is the first thing I came up with after a little tinkering in HM.  I think you should desregard HM's opinions (comments like "very high") on the percentages seeing as I'm not sure if they are set for HU - 6 max or full ring.  

His 3 betting range is pretty crazy.  If you assume that he 3 bets 20% of his hands and directly correlate that to pokerstove you would see hands like A4s, 10 9s, A9 o, and 66 at the bottom of his range.  I understand this is a crude way of looking at it but bear with me.  I have noticed he def likes to 3 bet drawing hands like 6 8s 10 8s - he also mixes trash in, showed up with 4 10 today.  Any advice as to how to combate this.  I believe I need to 4 bet lighter but have become gun shy because he has ran so hot over the last 4k hands.  

Any other advice after looking at the above stats would be much appreciated

genty's picture
id ignore the HEM manager

id ignore the HEM manager reports there not for HU.

id go back through  the hands you played with this guy and make very detailed notes on his play.
i dont think using HEM stats in game are very useful because some people play loose 75bbs deep and tighten up as he stacks get shallower

xpr's picture

to analyze hands (not stats) of leaderboard guys from your limit and try to understand why they do some stuff. The problem is hand histories of good players, it's not easy to get. You can play vs them by yourself or observe their game. Also there are date mining services, which offer hand histories, but afaik they monitoring only cash games. 


dzikijohnny's picture
I take it you don't play this

I take it you don't play this guy on purpose?  

kingcobra's picture
Well first of all you will

Well first of all you will seldom run into someone more into stats than myself.  I've no idea why you are saying that these stats aren't available in HEM, I'm also puzzled why you're pasting this useless screen in your post :)  You're right, this screen isn't tuned for heads up, it's far better to just look at the stats elsewhere and draw your own conclusions.  All these stats are available, and you're close to finding it, I'll give you a hint, you need to look at other tabs in the same active player window you got this from.