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Donk King1's picture

Hi guys... I was wondering if anybody could help me make a short outlined style to play against certain opponent types.  I know all of this is in the videos, but id like to have it all in my head.  Also any tips on how to spot leaks and any reliable ways to 'catagorize' your opponent.Currantly i am doing really well against tight aggressive opponents, and tight passive opponents.The way that i know that they are tight is: they only really ever play in position, and they fold to my cbets on the flop alot of the time.  I can tell within the first 30 hands that if they are just check calling me down with top pair, they are passive and tight etc...SO i adjust my game by betting alot in position, c betting and folding to any sort of resistance.. and im just grinding them down.however im having alot of problems from players who are playing back at me... 3betting my raises on dry paired boards like 448.  Is it right to shove with A high on a board like this when a loose player is 3betting every other hand?What is the best way to deal with a player constantly raising and 3betting everything.. i dont want to be one of these reserved donks that just get grinded down by clueless aggressive players, neither do i want to stack off on top pair just because they have a "loose" image. So in a nutshell, tight agg and tight pass opponents i am beating.  loose passive opponents i am beating, but loose aggressive opponents are a problem!How should we play against a good player who is raising alot in position, c betting flops etc.. how do we spot leaks and exploit them??I know whoever answers this is going to be quite clued up and i thank you in advance for taking the time to reply to my somewhat amature post!PS so far I have played 24 games, have lost 10 of them, and have won 14 of them.  My ROI is 11%.. is this good? **ONE LAST THING!!! I know that on fultilt poker, regs always sit down first, and its a good smart way for a reg to avoid a reg.. but on stars, in the regular speed games it doesnt give you that option... is there some sort of system that is used to avoid playing regs?Thanks Donk King1!

Donk King1's picture

No one wants to answer? :(

crstn's picture
Hey Donk King1. I think you

Hey Donk King1. I think you got no response on your question, because it is so big of  a topic that it probably can't be answered in a single and short answer on a poker forum. Fact is that dealing with loose aggressiv opponents is the most difficult part in HUSNGs. Yo can not expect becoming a guide line how to play and how to beat them. You have to exploit every single opponent. Even loose aggr. opponents are playing differently (bet sizes, 3-bet frequency, donk betting, checkraising etc.). So try to find betting patterns etc. If you use the search function on other poker forums you will find a lot of how to deal with specific loose aggr. opponents. 24 games is not nearly enough of a sample size to know how good you are. Look at your ROI after 1000 games and evaluate (of course if you have a positiv ROI after 200 games, chances are good that you are a winning player)

RyPac13's picture
Good advice crstn! Kong, I

Good advice crstn!Kong, I would suggest a few things:- Watch my Aggressive HUSNG Leakfinder Series.  It's packed with exactly what you're looking for, how to identify, adjust and continue to adjust profitably against aggressive opponents that play back at you.- Watch Skates Board texture videos.  These videos are great example of the hand reading process.  You'll almost certainly pick up some "oh wow, I didn't even know that" tips from those two videos, and they will give you a great idea of what the important factors are when deciding how/when to play back at an opponent (and just taking the correct line in general).- Post some hands in our HH forum for feedback.  This is an excellent, efficient (and free) way to improve!- On Stars, you can do one of two things usually.  Either way until the other regular gets a match, then instantly sit the next game (click the box "register to identical match") or you can simply sit and politely refuse to "chop" a match with other regulars.  If you play a solid game and don't spew or do anything they feel is very fishy (and if you're good and you adjust very well it's inevitable that opponents will actually think what you're doing is bad in some areas, it always happens), they will stop sitting when they see you playing.  It's probably more important to just avoid rematching opponents that are decent than it is to make sure each match you play is against a fish, that simply just is not going to happen on a large site such as PokerStars or Full Tilt.  You can find more game selection luck and softer competition on sites such as Carbon, Ultimate Bet or Cake.

supersize's picture
LAG are always going to be

LAG are always going to be the toughest to beat, at least imo... if they are 3betting you often (25%+) then i would find a spot where you can 4-bet and see how they react. if they shut down then we can widen are 4-bet range.post flop if they are c-betting at or near 100% then check/raise with any piece. again if they shut down then look to check/raise more.just these 2 ideas should slow them down a bit against you and we can attempt to grind them down instead of getting it in on a flip.but if they are LAG with no fold button then a flip may be our only option. i'm still new to HU sng strategy so if anyone feels my thought process to deal with LAG is wrong then plz correct my post. cheers! and i like RyPac13 advice, "You can find... softer competition on sites such as Carbon, Ultimate Bet or Cake."plz tell all the members to play anywhere but stars, lol. j/k ofcourse.

RyPac13's picture
I think any major site is

I think any major site is certainly fine, soft enough, etc. to play at as well.  But decent players come up at a higher frequency on larger sites in the low stakes, and since those other sites have good traffic at lower stakes, the downside to playing there isn't really applicable to low stakes guys like it is for higher stakes guys (not as much action for higher stakes guys on those sites, though players like nina wiggle have made quite a living playing mostly non major sites, so it certainly can be done).

Webmaster222's picture
My 2 cents worth for playing

My 2 cents worth for playing against LAGS.

  • 2x or limp your button.
  • Only 3-bet your premium hands.
  • 3/4 pot cbet on boards that you hit hard.

Only a guide, not gospel but possibly a good place to start.222

crstn's picture
@triple2 I don't aggree

@triple2I don't aggree completely with only 3-betting premium hands against lags (if lag means he opens wide). I rather 3-bet a polarized range.Only 3-betting premium hands is standard when he is really so loose that he does not fold to 3-bets, but a good lag will fold often enough to make this play +ev. If you just raise premium hands you are exploitable and lags will run you over

Webmaster222's picture
@crstn Yeah, I guess you are

@crstnYeah, I guess you are right.I suppose we need to know whether we are up against a good lag or a bad lag.Good LAG - will fold enough to make 3-betting polarised +evBad LAG(prob almost a maniac) - will just hate to fold and will 4-bet or shove atc. So unpolarised we can get it in ahead most of the time.