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holdemcaulfield's picture
Video packages and starting bankroll

hey guys,

So a little background info, Ive played the 180s on stars for a year and made solid profits, I have a very good understanding on push/fold and a decent understanding of icm (could use some study though). Ive played a few hypers on stars in the past but never took them seriously at all and am probably breakeven over a small sample. So Im looking to start playing soon on fulltilt at the 10s and 20s (super turbos) . What would be a good bankroll for each stake, and if starting at 10s when should I move up to 20s? Also Im looking to buy a video package, which would best suit a player at those stakes who is looking at eventually moving up higher? and what video packages are still very useful for 2013 games? Thanks very much, Im new to this site so any info you can provide would be greatly appreciated

samtheman's picture
Here is a good video

Here is a good video by Mersenneary on bankroll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jR6NECspktM
in terms of which video packages will suit you it might be best to email Ryan membership@husng.com he is very friendly and helpfull.

RyPac13's picture
The new Crushing Hyper Turbo

The new Crushing Hyper Turbo HUSNGs pack is very good.
The Premium Pack contains a ton of videos for the price as well and is another great option.
If you're looking for good value at a lower price point, Coffeeyay's Math in HUSNGs ($75) and the Standard Pack ($50) are both great values.