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ohly's picture
video review by different coach

lol, i really thought about the title and couldn't come up with anything that says in short what kind of recommendation i have:recently i watched alot of hyper turbo videos from different posters and seemed to disagree ALOT (obv not with mers because he is god). one suggestion i have, and which is sometimes but imo to rarely applied, is the following: why not let one coach record a video and another one review his play? i mean, when one coach makes a livesession, he obviously agrees with 99% of his plays and thinks they are good. but in alot of instances the decisions are based on unclear assumptions and just believing what one coach sazs are the right assumptions doesn't sound sufficient to me, i would much rather like to see a different coach commenting and see their overlaps and their disagreements.i honestly think that you get more than double the value out of one video if it is played by a very good player and reviewed by a different successful player. also think about the value of the discussion arising when those two players disagree.

RyPac13's picture
That's a good idea and we've

That's a good idea and we've had good results with things like Mers reviewing Barewire, or Skates reviewing my play.Part 2 of the Mers and Barewire one will go up in the next few days, we'll work on others after that, assuming feedback on that one is as strong as I expect.