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lovelydonk's picture

I don't want to sound to rude (not the goal) but the video content, to me decresed a lot last 4 months. Lots of semi good players videos, but all I see is HT videos and low level video in reg speed or turbos ...no more croixdawg for so long, no more live from hokie, nothin special or new from Mers and those were the main guys ... this is just how I feel...  lovelydonk

RyPac13's picture
Thanks for the feedback

Thanks for the feedback lovelydonk, if more people expressed their views consistently it would be great.Can you tell me a bit more specifically what you'd like to see from Mersenneary versus what he's been doing (he's always done end game targeted videos for the most part, but I know he's very open to suggestions from members, especially long time members such as yourself, and mid to higher stakes players such as yourself)?Hokie should be more consistent in the near future. I think with FastTrack, traveling, bootcamp and being the top/near top leader on Merge he's gotten a bit hectic with his schedule.xSCWx is somebody who you'll see more of, and probably even increased quality, he just had a 10k+ few weeks on Merge in his first month back full time since Black Friday.Additions like Chadders (hypers) and Ph33rox (turbos and hypers) should also bolster quality.I'd like to add that I think some things are also perception. For example, everybody was hating on JackTheShipper because of his results, saying he was unqualified ot make videos. Then he flashes his EV graph and it shows he's down 30-40k in real money EV at the low 3 digit buyins. PHMERC is the other guy we've taken some flack from having on board, and that's almost entirely due to his (un)popularity at the tables (and also game selection). But these guys aren't replacing Hokie or Mers videos even, they are just additions to the site to add value (though I think you're not implying that Mers and Hokie aren't making videos, more that they aren't making the videos that you want, correct me if I'm wrong).Croixdawg hasn't been around awhile, you're right, but even when he was, the regulars I talked to rated xSCWx and Skates consistently ahead of his videos for quality. I'd imagine Mers and Hokie now also would trump that, so while I think Croixdawg would be great to add new videos, that door has been open since he made his last one and for various reasons he just hasn't executed a video since then.I've also been trying to add some highly touted instructors to the mix. H2Olga, Melanie Weisner, ShortSharpShock, Pistons87 for example. I will certainly continue to try to add new and top players, but we do need some more feedback similar to what lovelydonk is talking about here (and please just add a few more specific thoughts lovelydonk, they are much appreciated).Also, what do you think of Barewire's videos? They get good ratings and comments, but the rarely do get comments or ratings, so all I know is that some people watch it and they seem satisfied. I really feel he's great at explaining his thoughts and applies excellent decision making, so that one has been a bit of a head scratcher for me. I know he's not some 300k straight up graph guy, but we've also posted videos from 300k straight up graph guys before, and the difference isn't totally night and day, so I'm thinking maybe Barewire's lack of appreciation could be due to the structure (deep) that he features in his videos?Lots of thoughts here, I'm just firing from the hip, so members, please feel free to jump in and talk about anything I've said, suggest anything, etc. The site is built for an audience, not me, so I'm here to cater to the audience fully.

LostInADream's picture
I play regular / turbo speed

I play regular / turbo speed husngs and kind of agree that the vast majority of vids now are hypers.. so haven't renewed subscription for a while. Also I only go for standard membership as play the $7's and $15's so that also limits the number of reg/turbo vids availble to me. 

lovelydonk's picture
thanks for your answer, I m

thanks for your answer, I m definitly not blaming the fact that u are working hard for ur site, and that s really cool.On my part part I 'm not totally looking for something new ... it s more about reminding me stuff that I already know and don't apply because I m on tilt, or whatever reason. Of course I can rewatch some old videos (which I do) but it s like a movie, it s so much better to watch a new one because in your mind it feels fresh and behind that you know it's up to date.for the Jacktheshipper, barewire and the other guys in this category, I really think their problem is their sharkscope graph, ok maybe they have profit in their overall life carreer, but this is where players gain their credibility and power from other player to listen to them or try to improve thrue their eyes and without that u ll only get few guys behind them, or arrogant and non objective people trying to contest what they do or say.some cars are really good because of the mechanics, speed whatever ... but if the car is ugly just few folks will buy it or pay attention to it (in my opinion).about video contents I really like the "galfond phylosophie series" on bluefire for exemple or when Mers talks about his phylosophie of teh game. "looking outside of the box" style ... how different players use their holdem manager, w/ filters etc ... to improve on their game like mers did a while ago w/ poker tracker, if some people are using HM2 how they use some of the new features .... when they review their match how do they go to the key hands, just watching teh big pots or if hey have any other trick. when a player think he has a edge, explaing more about his edge, why and what 's gonna be the plan and how he develop this plan  

xSCWx's picture
For what it's worth: there

For what it's worth: there aren't any scenarios that are super turbo specific. Every decision you encounter should be based off of how you perceive your opponent and what the stack sizes are. If you play super turbos then the 50BB play of turbos might not help you, or if you play turbos then the 75BB play of regular speeds might not help you, but the play in super turbos reflects scenarios that you encounter in all game types and should really help EVERYONE on this site.I've had a lot of people tell me they are only playing turbos and regular speeds because they are bad at super turbos but being bad at a faster speed should really indicate having some huge leaks in shallow stacked play. If there is demand for some turbo or regular speed videos I'd be glad to make them (even at the $7s or $15s) but I'd strongly encourage everyone to learn from the super turbo videos as well.

Valuelol's picture
I guess all people have

I guess all people have different approaches of studying the game, as I understand   Lovely donks correct, is that he falls into the category that likes pure concept videos and  thats what he basically wants. I agree with him there that in this specific area Husng has a bit of lack compared to some other training sites. I think Hokie and Mers are the ones that really have a great understanding of I call it "game theory", which starts from basic concepts to more complicated ones. Although some other instructors do right plays there reasoning behind it lacks from time to time and is hidden behind "2+2 terms" . Imo it is pretty hard to explain even a simple concept to a full extend. and ofc not everyone is a Phil Galfond. still I think there were some good quality videos in the recent past.I think Husng does a good job ;)Gl

crstn's picture
A little bit feedback from

A little bit feedback from me:1) I have no problem with the hyper / super turbo Videos, even if I haven't played one in my life. It is just great stuff and so valuable for endgame... so keep em coming2) Before Black Friday there was a Concept Video Series started by  Itried, somehow after Black Friday it stopped. I have no idea if it was because of Black Friday or because people here don't like them so much (guess many players simply like more live Videos). I was very happy when PHMERC after my feedback on one of his first Videos did the 3-bet shoving Video. Basically some theory stuff would be great. From what I have seen from the last Ph33RoX Video I expect great stuff from him!3) I love Barewire Videos, but I must say that I watched most of the WCOOP Videos just for entertainment. There is just so much superdeepstack play into them - that's a part of HU Poker that most of us don't need. So I hope to see some regular/turbo games from him.4) There are guys that play great Poker, better than most of us will ever be, but are just not good in making Videos. I really didn't like Pistons Video, and also Melanie Weisners Video was maybe entertaining and the stuff in was nice, but just not as valuable as some of your other coaches. But of course this is just my opinion, and always trying out new Poker Players is very important to discover the ones that actually work like Ph33RoX, BORG, Hokie etcThis site is great, and it survived Black Friday. I guess it was not easy keeping coaches motivated making Videos, keeping content up on a certain level in this period. Well done.

eldooder's picture
Still lots of great coaches.

Still lots of great coaches. Would like to just mention barewire as his probably one of the coaches i enjoy the most as i like the amount of detail he goes into and just like playing deep stacked personally...super turbos are good too. Also would be good to see some more melanie weisner and another pistons video would be great...i'm sure he'll improve over time! Phmercs videos are entertaining, but i'm not sure whether or not i would be willing to take his advice tbh. Look forward to see what is coming.... 

RyPac13's picture
Thanks for the comments

Thanks for the comments everyone, hopefully we can get even more feedback too. This is the type of valuable feedback that will help the site.To address a few specific comments:Eldooder, glad to hear the Barewire comment. Pistons will be making at least two more videos as well. I'm not sure about Melanie Weisner yet, we don't have anything planned at the moment. If anybody has a strong opinion either way about any of these things, please add to the conversation.crstn, I think you make a great point about concept videos and we need to get back to doing them more frequently than we have. Ph33roX should be a great addition, I agree. Thanks for the comment about the structure of Barewire's videos, we'll see about getting something more relevant to a wide range of members after he finishes this series (there's another 3 or 4 videos left here, so we're talking about January-February 2012 for a new Barewire series). You said you didn't love the Weisner video, but did you have any specific thoughts about ShortSharpShock? He said he would love to do more videos and we agreed on details for him to produce more, but we haven't received anything. I say that because he's one person I was looking forward to getting some more content from and I wonder if anybody else shares those thoughts here.And thanks valuelol for the feedback as well. Nothing to add to what you said, but it's good feedback.

PHMERC's picture
Hey guys, if you have some

Hey guys, if you have some specific ideas of things you'd like me to cover in my next video, please let me know. I try to make my videos "live" as often as possible. The problem with doing live videos is that I don't have the opportunity to explain hands in as much detail as I'd like. It's difficult to elaborate my thoughts because I have to move onto the next hand before I'm able to completely explain the previous hand.  A couple of ideas that may help for future videos, please tell me your thoughts: 1. If I'm doing a live video, at the end, go back to key hands and then show you more detailed thoughts. Or, explain why my spur-of-the-moment thought was *abc*, and now thinking back on it, maybe *def* would have been better. I can do this in a non "live" format so you can see both; my thoughts live and then my thoughts explained in detail with time to discuss the hand.2. Cheat a little. Trust me, I certainly know when I put out a live video that some hands in there aren't perfectly played hands. I could play many tournaments and record them live and then pick out which one I played the best and explained properly. Although this might be a "smoother" video, I think it takes away from the goal of a live video. That is to see how we think as hands are happening. With that in mind, we as coaches are going to give someone improper ranges, we are going to make bad calls, and we are going to let our emotions get the best of us and then play a hand wrong. Waiting until we have a live video where those things never happen I feel is an injustice to students who will improve faster by realizing, "hey, these guys still make mistakes sometimes too, they just realize what those mistakes are and make them less often". But, if you feel I'm wrong in that thought and a smoother live video would be more helpful, I can go that route.3. Get away from "live" videos all together? I think it is much easier for me to put out a "better" video when it comes to great plays and perfect explanation of hands if I can choose exactly what game I want to show and I have plenty of time to think about each hand before I have to explain it at all. Anyway, please let me know. If I get some good thoughts here I'll put out a free video later this week.

PHMERC's picture
Also I'm not playing supers

Also I'm not playing supers or making super vids anymore, just reg speeds and turbos.

crstn's picture
The Dual commentary on the

The Dual commentary on the Weisner Video kind of limitated ShortSharpShock in expressing his thoughts, especially in a live Video in this format. I compared it to the old Stars Turbo Videos where you did the dual commentary in live games with Skates. And you really had more times to express yourself in that format during single hands.But definitively he was the one in the Video to put in content as a coach, but between one hand and another he just has time for a few words. I think his Videos could be of great value. @ PHMERCPoint 1 seems to be a good idea to me. Another idea would be to make a "Best of" after a certain number of live games. Where you pick up the 10 most interesting hands and explain why you did what you did if you think you made a mistake or had not time enough to explain it in the live Video 

_dave_'s picture
I love the idea of #1, if I'm

I love the idea of #1, if I'm imagining it right - play a few live games for say 30 mins, all the while chatting about the hands, but occasionally tagging tricky hands for later analysis / elaboration. than as soon as the games are over firing up the replayer or rewinding the video and going through some math / pokerstove on those few tricky hands going in to more detail. It sounds similar to Ph33RoX vid from a couple of days ago (with the expanded section on 4bet fold equity) which was absolutely great, but in this case also live. 

PHMERC's picture
Ok cool so def seems like you

Ok cool so def seems like you guys like option 1. Would love to hear more thoughts/requests but def noted about option 1.