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DarkXoiX's picture
Vids listed by date?

Is it possible to see the vids listed by date somehow?

It's kind of a jungle to find the newest content when you have to click on everyone..

RyPac13's picture
For recent free videos, just

For recent free videos, just look at the free videos forum, should be listed by last reply, but you can do it by date.
For the premium or standard packs, just click "master video list" under downloads > standard/premium. Each instructor should show up by order.
Let me know if that works for you.

DarkXoiX's picture
No, it's not really working

No, it's not really working for me, as i still need premium videoes listed by date.

I honestly don't want to signup if i can't see how many videoes is up to date, before i join. I am well aware you got your hyper-pack from zzzTilt and phl500, but that's pretty much the only videoes not being free, that is created in 2013, right?

What i want, is to see a list of premium-videoes, listed by date, like the free videoes are in the forum :-).

RyPac13's picture
Hi, The Crushing Hypers pack

The Crushing Hypers pack is just the latest pack released. We've released the Greenbast Pack, HokieGreg Class Pack and several others this year.
The Premium Pack goes from our initial launch in February 2009 until October 2012.
I'll see if I can find another way for you to view videos by date. If you do click on instructors on this page, you will see each one is listed by date (most recent first), but I'll see if I can find an overall list for you. We used to have a feed back when the Premium Pack was the Premium Subscription, but since we switched it into a pack it's been different.
Also note, that all the Standard videos are included in the Premium Pack.

Webmaster222's picture
Hi , I have updated the

Hi ,
I have updated the "Video Search" that you can see in the sidebar to include dates. 
So you can view videos by date.