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DonNew's picture
Vpip OOP

I know i probably shouldnt get to hung up on stats and so but was wondering was i a "normal" vpip percentage OOP in HU SNGs? I noticed mine is perhaps a bit low after starting using a HUD (20-35% range) or is it just me? i know its very villain dependent etc. but is there like a general range you should be within?

thepuminator's picture
against some guys mine is

against some guys mine is like 15% against some it is around 80%, like you said it is opponent dependant. Obviously the biggest thing is their sizing, im going to call a lot more min raises as opposed to 5x. And then if I have a solid read on their post flop and turn play then I can play more pots oop against them but if their a real solid player, cbetting a lot of flops but not all and applying pressure on the turn then im not playing as many pots oop.

jackoneill's picture
Same for me. I usually start

Same for me.I usually start with calling about 35% oop @ 10/20 if the guy is 3x'ing, a bit more if he's minraising, a bit less if he's opening bigger - and then adjust from there.

DonNew's picture
Great thanks for the info. My

Great thanks for the info. My vpip % oop is definetely also villain dependent. I was just wondering if it was overall to low. but i dont think i have to worry about that now that im playing at 10.5s and 11.5s. but maybe in the higher stakes i need to loosen up OOP, as i might otherwise miss out on some value.