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nekrogovner's picture
AT vs 3b 20bb deep

No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players$6.71+$0.29 Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter SBHero2010BBVillain990 Effective Stacks: 20bb Blinds 25/50

  • Pre-Flop (75, 2 players) Hero is SB

Hero raises to 100, Villain raises to 250, Hero ????Villain limps all of his buttons (he actually raised one :))) ). Calls donkbets in limped pots with any piece of board + some air (overs), capable of calling 3 barrel with flopped bottom pair when he limps. Folds to 80% of cbets. Attacked my first late game limp (22bb) with raise to 4x with TT, didn't give him credit and shoved over with A5. So about 10 hands later, he 3bets my open for a first time. Is this an easy fold?

cip1974's picture
Even if he 3bet only with

Even if he 3bet only with TT+,AKo+ he gives you the implied odds to call.

MastAAce08's picture
calling is horrible, its a

calling is horrible, its a jam or fold, standard jam vs most players if this guy only 3bets nutty hands then i guess you can fold


cip1974's picture
Why is calling horrible?Do

Why is calling horrible?Do you think that hu sng decisions are only jam or fold?Check the effective stacks and please answer me.

RyPac13's picture
I would reserve calling in

I would reserve calling in these situations with this type of hand only against the guys that will spew against you postflop (and 3bet fold a lot preflop). Otherwise, jamming gives you better expectation I believe.The key advantages to calling would be against a player that would fold to a lot of shoves and when called instead of 4bet, he would spew a lot postflop with a wider and weaker range of hands (such as open jamming many flops).Otherwise, I don't think AT is particularly awesome to call a 3bet with short stacked against an opponent that isn't showing these sort of tendencies, you'll end up in some very difficult situations postflop that really don't allow you to fully exploit your opponent.Jam preflop, not enough hands have passed and the average opponent has some sort of bluff % in their 3bet range here, even if it's low on average from a thus far tight opponent.

dhcg86's picture
EZ JAM    (and yes, I know we

EZ JAM  (and yes, I know we are 20bbs deep)