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9620125's picture
wasting my time?

I'm playing microstakes husng's right now, mainly because I feel stressed/tilty when I play higher (lack of confidence in my game)...I play the 1$ turbo husng's on pacific poker and I win 64% of them (sample size of about 400)...I often find myself in spots/matches where afterwards I think: "Well, maybe I could have done this better, or that, or maybe not, I'm not sure..."Does it even make sense to be trying to improve my game at the microstakes-turbo's even though I'm beating them pretty easily, or should I just move up and try to improve my game there?

genty's picture
never played the 1s but

never played the 1s but started at the 6s and theres no difference between the 6s and 23s from my experience.if you've got the roll for it move up cause your burning money staying there especially with a 64% winrate glgl

Diceman's picture
i'd definitely say move up

i'd definitely say move up and give it a shot.  the rake is probably pretty bad on the $1 games anyway