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happy's picture
Ways to improve your memory

I've just started working on improving my game and one of the problems that i have found that i have is i have a real hard time remembering for example how a villian played a hand 3 hands ago and such stuff.Wanted to hear if anyone else have had this problem and how they have improved their ability to memorize stuff. 

Jamjoe's picture
Use the hand history tool :)

Use the hand history tool :)

happy's picture
Well yes ofc but meant more

Well yes ofc but meant more in generally don't pay to much attention to the example just ilustrate how bad my memory actually is 

athanatos's picture
I've actually studied memory

I've actually studied memory systems for years. I've been meaning to adjust some systems to hand histories but haven't sacrificed the time to do it unfortunately, so I can't help you with this yet :(If you're interested in improving your memory, there are sites on the internet that can get you started and you can rapidly learn it if you take it seriously. I can memorize about 300 random numbers within half an hour or so. A string of 50 random digits will take me about 4 minutes to commit to memory. I'm not trying to brag, I'm just illustrating how powerful memory systems can be (and they can be applied to anything, not just numbers). Memorizing an odds chart, pokerstove equity results, nash chart, etc... can be fairly easily achieved using a memory systems like the "major system (best for strings of numbers)". Common memory systems are "the major system" "Roman Room Method" "Stacking" and "The Peg System". I just started teaching my 7 year old son how to use the major system and within 2 weeks he was memorizing 30 digit strings of numbers in about 15 minutes. The numbers can be stored permanently or temporarily, it's up to you. You'll also be able to recite the numbers backwards, or from any point in between the string. Aside from poker use, you'll be able to memorize phone numbers and bank account numbers permanently.   

happy's picture
Thanks exactly what i was

Thanks exactly what i was looking for. will give it a go when i find the time 

AlaskaForever's picture
I have same problem too and

I have same problem too and problem is not to improve memory but get it back to state it was normally. last two months I eat mostly junkfood, slept 5 hours a day, no training, just internet and TV. I ended up gaining weight and bad mood all the time, but biggest problen was my brain. I could not remember anything, like you said, I was staring computerscreen trying to remember has my opponent raised at all! I mean, 50 hands in, he 3x 15/30 blinds and I dont remember is it his first or 15th preflop raise. Not to mention 30 bi "downswing" it sure scared me and I am sure reason was only my lifestyle. Last week I have done opposite (ok, sleepingscedule is not quite rigt jet) and have noticed some fast imrovements.Tbh, I first tried "restart my brain" and started solving puzzles, sudokus, internet IQ tests, logical exersices, start reading books, but that didnt had effect I was looking for.Third thing is improve your focus. This is unbelievably important, to me its most important thing to learn because lack of it in me. I found one good website and did those exercises daily bases.They helped alot.http://www.successconsciousness.com/index_000004.htm

ClarkyW's picture
I actually researched this

I actually researched this myself a while ago. There are several techniques you can use. You need to train your memory. Keep it active, keep learning. Do not stop. You need to play memory games. Google it. Also, may be more important than improving your memory you should work on improving your CONCENTRATION and focus. This you can also practise. By e.g. focusing on one thing and forcing yourself to focus on this 1 thing without multitasking or doing something else and increasing this time every day for example. Good luck! 

katty1's picture
pokerstove is the best prog

pokerstove is the best prog out there to improve your game ihmo.. jsut paly around with it...

JackTheShipper's picture
this might not really be the

this might not really be the answer u are looking forbut i remember when i started playing HUSNGs i also found myself troubled, much more then with other forms of poker (mtt/sng) i had a hard time remembering how villain played a hand a bit earlier and that obviously made my reads suck really bad (since i didnt really take any notes) and while in for example SNG end game, at low stakes u go pretty much autopilot while multitabling, it never before seemed to matter, but when i got into HUSNGs it really did, and when 2 tabling i was just totally fucked now i can play like 3-4 tables, and i quite easily remember pretty much everything, i also never take notes, like literally never, except on one or two guys, who i know are wellrolled and i battle often, (aka that i will prolly end up playing 20+games/grudgematches against) but next to that, i just kinda remember everything nowadays u might ask urself, ok thats a nice brag u put there, but how did u get to this point (haha i know i suck at writing short posts sorry :( )the truth is, i just played a shitton, and tried to remember, having friends on mikogo/teamviewer and them asking hey what happened there a few hands back, or asking urself what happened, really increases ur ability to automatically kinda take everything in, by sooo much its insane :) just play alot, and quizz urself what happend try to ask urself, what happened last hand, what happened the hand before that, that hand where he showed down a FH how did it go down? etc start doing it with 1 table, gradually add another, (i dont usually go above 2 tables tho, and 4 is my absolute minimum cuzz its just too stressfull) and u will see improvement, i think, playing more is just the best possible way i cant help but remember this experiment where someone (if u google it, im sure u will find it) put chess pieces in a random order (or somewhat random ) on a chess board and let grandmasters in chess look at it for a few mins, then let non chess players look at it for a few mins when then after the test, they had to reconstruct em in the same order, the chessmasters, did much much better then the non chess players presumably because of their experience with the game of chess and the pieces, i guess it relates to poker as well, while working on ur game, and understanding everything better, u will also start and see lines certain villain types take, over and over again, in diff villains, and therefor only have to remember a very small part of info really. making a good read and remembering IMO is most effective when ;A) u first group villain into a player typeB) u then proceed to remember EVERYTHING that deviates from this player type like i expect him to be weak passive, but now he raises here, ive previously seen him do this, with air so u remember, raise = air (ofc this is not 100% ) but then ur read becomes weak passive + raise = most likely bluff and then u have to remember like 1 phrase and u have a pretty good read and can adapt just my 2 cents tho, feel free to call me out if im way off

JackTheShipper's picture
Found it

Found it ;) http://snitkof.com/cg156/chesschunkingtheory.php = chess experiment i mentioned earlier, for those interested