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RyPac13's picture
We should make this forum public, right?

It's an off topic forum, it would probably be better suited to be public in my mind. Any other thoughts?

Chumplestultz's picture
I like iced coffee

I like iced coffee

RyPac13's picture
Epic 2nd post, right? I'm

Epic 2nd post, right?I'm full of questions today.

Katipo's picture
Since it's not supposed to be

Since it's not supposed to be about poker anyway, it probably should be public.

Barrin's picture
No, it should not be

No, it should not be public.The reason is simple: when the forum was created, it was created in the members area. Therefore, the posts here were made under the assumption that they were semi-private and NOT to be shown in public. There might be people who did post in this forum under this very assumption. Also you will find graphs here and so on and so forth.If anything at all........this forum can be closed and a public off topic forum could be created - WITHOUT the content which has been posted all ready.


RyPac13's picture
Knew there was a reason I

Knew there was a reason I posted this question, thanks Barrin, good points and I agree.