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headsupblues's picture
What is the "best" hyper turbo HU SNG video package for beginners and micro stakes players?

Hey everybody,


I'm really interested in "discovering" the world of Hyper Turbo HU SNGs. Since I'm a beginner with this special format

I really struggle fo find the ideal video package for a beginner player like me, who is starting out to playing Hyper Turbo HU SNGs.

Which video package would everyone here recommend to a beginning player like me who plays 1.50 / 3.50 hypers?

what about the upcoming video package by "Sentin7" which should be availiable in the next 72 hrs?


this sounded very appropriate to me since he starts out playing the lower stakes and seems to grind his way up in his series?

I'm really looking forward to all recommendations. I really appreciate your help.


Thanks in advance.



RyPac13's picture
Sentin's video pack should be

Sentin's video pack should be an ideal place for a player like you start at.
We have players start everywhere though in hypers. Some start with the standard pack, some with premium, then there's others who go straight into one of our "guide format" video packs (Chadders Hyper Turbo and zzz/phl500 Crushing Hyper Turbos). Others go into Coffeeyay's pack, because they like the poker software and essential math work that he does in helping players improve outside of the game.
Budget and appeal play a large part in the decision and are very person specific. For example, if your budget is $100, you've cut your choices down to 3 packs: Standard Pack ($50), Coffeeyay Math ($75) and Sentin's upcoming pack ($70). Then you would probably get an idea of what Coffeeyay and Sentin have to offer based on their videos in the free poker videos forum + the previews videos on their pack sales page, weigh that vs the standard pack (older videos, but a very large amount of them) and make your decision.
That's how I would approach it personally, as one person might feel Coffeeyay is the best teacher for them, another might feel Sentin is, another might like HokieGreg best. And while some coaches are more popular than others, we don't have any single one that is far ahead of everyone else that everyone picks one pack over everything else consistently.

headsupblues's picture
Thanks a lot for your

Thanks a lot for your detailed reply. I'm not sure - and I'm sorry if I should be wrong - but I assume you are Ryan? 
If that'ts the case then I can safely say we had a little conversation via mail. 
But just in case: To be honest: My budget plays a bigger role in what package should I choose.
I'm absolutely sure every pack is worth every penny - but since I'm a still a micro stakes grinder the budget is limited. 
I'm really leaning towards Sentin's upcoming pack - at first 70 $ is absolutely stunning.
but more important to me: I know math is important in poker - but since I'm not a math genius or nerd I really like anti-math-packs and Sentin caught my attention when he mentioned in his vid pack-trailer it's an anti-math-pack 
Sentin seems to know me  - and on the other hand: If I understand his trailer right' he especially starts grinding up on the micros and low stakes? 
I guess that pack is - as you already mentioned - a very good starting point to me.
Thanks a lot for your help! 
Awesome work and awesome community!
Looking forward to Sentin's package.
best regards.