Hi Internet,
I´m new into HUSNG and i wanted to ask you what is the difference between these types of HUSNGs?
Ist it just the amount of BBs we start with or is there more?
For example... I am 25BB deep in a regular, 25BB in a turbo and 25BB in a hyper. Should i use the same strategy or should i change something due to the fact that im playing different types of a HUSNGs?
The structural differences are:
- starting stacks in BBs
- speed at which the blinds increase
For example on Pokerstars:
Hyper: starting stack = 500 / 20 = 25BB, blinds increase every 2 mins
Turbo: starting stack = 1500 / 20 = 75BB, blinds increase every 3 mins
Regular: starting stack = 1500 / 20 = 75BB, blinds increase every 6 mins
Note that, all else equal, strategically there is no difference between playing 25BB deep in hypers, turbos or regulars.
The non-structural, or psychological differences (or however you want to frame it) are how the games play due to:
- types of players attracted to format => slower formats attract players who prefer to play deeper stacked for longer + more patient players
- lobbies => slower formats have less games starting less quickly so seem to reach the "bum-hunter" lobby equilbirum more readily than the faster format games
A shorter answer at the point of your question: stack depth is the only element of the game (other than your opponent) that dictates your play. It doesn't matter what speed you're playing, if it's 25 BB deep you're playing the same.
Also, for HU, there is no difference between cash and sng, and you should treat your chips as cash. Only difference from cash is that in sngs you cannot control the stack depth (cannot rebuy) and cannot stop playing until one of you goes broke. Other than that, ignoring rake for a moment, chip EV equal $$$ EV.