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KK89's picture
What to do with marked hands?

I usually end up with tons of marked hands for review after each day's play. I'm generally confused about what/how to proceed with reviewing these hands to get the maximum benefits for my time...  Do you guys usually review all of the marked hands after each day's play? What's your process on these HH once they are reviewed? i.e. do you ever come back to do them, write down concepts learnt from the HH etcWhat hands do you generally reivew yourself vs. friend/coach vs. forums?  Cheers! 

Barrin's picture
The question is why you did

The question is why you did mark them. You should have had some intention and those you should follow.Whatever you can do alone, you should do alone. If you want another input; post it in the forum. Most people just don't get the concept of posting a hand and do it terribly wrong. You shall not post the result. You shall post your tought process and anything about the dynamic and your opponent that might be important. Opposite to common believes there is nothing wrong with analyzing the hand yourself, posting it with your analysis and asking for opinions about your tought process.


mapto's picture
Yeah, I'd agree with Barrin.

Yeah, I'd agree with Barrin. HUSNGs are all about adapting to your opponent so providing hands alone isnt getting you the most valuable input possible. You should also put down tendencies they were making and hence you will get feedback on both the hand played in the context of the match and what alternatives you had to counter them