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vladnz's picture
What if you only push fold in hyper HU ?

Hello guys,

I was wondering what would happened in the long wrong if say you played 1000 hyper HU ($1.50), and the only thing you did was follow Nash or Chubkov 100%....say you join the sng and fold fold fold until you have the stack and the hand that you should push with.

Will you breakeven in the long run with Nash or Chubkov or both.....?

Excluding rake.

I'm very curious to know.

Thank you,


Barrin's picture
You would lose money vs a

You would lose money vs a strong oppoent, because he is better than you.
You would lose money vs an opponent which conters you with nash, because there is rake and you cannot beat each other.
You would win if your opponent would be total bullshit idiot on crack. But not a lot.


vladnz's picture
Please correct me if I'm

Please correct me if I'm wrong , from my understanding is that Chubkov is a ev0 in the long run, right ?
Why would you lose money vs a strong opponent if you are playing perfect ev0 in the long run...? Again this is question is based only on my basic understanding of push/fold Chubkov....
Also why would you lose money vs someone that counters you with nash, since Chubkov is ev0 with perfect range?
P.S. excluding rake
Thank you,

RyPac13's picture
Chubokov just says at what

Chubokov just says at what stacks can you flip your hand over and it's still best to jam vs one other decision (fold).
It doesn't mean your entire range is +EV at all. You could lose enough with hands you shouldn't jam following Chubokov to counter the +EV of the jam hands.