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igor_i_'s picture
what i'm doing wrong? rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

can anybody say something to keep me motivated. So disappointed( dont know what to do...

Barrin's picture
Get a flip chart. Other

Get a flip chart.
Other options would be:
Quit poker
Sit it out (and play with the variance calculator on this site)


RyPac13's picture
It may seem silly, but if you

It may seem silly, but if you plan on making a lot of money in poker long term, you would rather see your current graph than the opposite (real profits but an EV of near breakeven).
Most players don't even have such a positive expectation, so just keep in mind that you're doing the right things, keep working hard and improving and that graph will get better. Do a search on this site for "Graph Porn," I did a few blog entries that show some mind boggling sick graphs.
If you're just looking for quick money, this is the worst game for that (play a MTT and hope to get lucky though poker is not fast money most of the time, probably 95% or more of people looking for fast money in poker will do worse than if they worked a job at a fast food restaurant).

metonezajima's picture
hi there, had like the same

hi there, had like the same graph for like double the sample, I dont know what are the stakes or ROI% adjusted and you may be crushing but 3k games is such a small sample that you def. should keep grinding no matter what. happens to even best players. be glad for that EV line and play the best you can for biggest samples you can. Not saying GL cause all you need is just less unluck :)