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Melvis's picture
what to learn at the beginning

Hey Guys,I am pretty new to HUSNG. Before that I played NL50 6max for some time, but it became boring. So I am trying something new now. I would like to get ideas what to study. I started over with a series of MJW from another training site. I still have some beginners video downloadad from my last payed month here at husng.com . So until now I only know the different stages of HUSNG and specific things like SAGE or NAsh-equilibrium. What would you guys learn next and in which didactic order. Shoving ranges? exploitation? Maybe how to make session reviews, because I am pretty clueless with it and it is really important to fix my very own leaks.Thanks for you help

RyPac13's picture
Did you see mjw's beating mid

Did you see mjw's beating mid stakes series here?  It has been a popular series in the standard membership.The video guide might also help.  Don't limit yourself to the video guide though, there's a lot of videos on this site.  Watching one or two from each instructor might be a good way to start, then go from there.

Melvis's picture
Hey Rypac, thanks you very

Hey Rypac,thanks you very much for your help. I renewed m y membership and checked out the video you recommended. It was really usefull. Unfortunately the Endgamevid of mersennaery are for premium membership. But it is great to have somekind of checklist I can work with.Do you know any Video about how to do session reviews? I saw MJW has a series for premium membership.thanks 

RyPac13's picture
There are a few Mersenneary

There are a few Mersenneary videos in the standard membership.MJW's beating the midstakes series is standard, but yes he has some premium as well.  If you use the advanced search feature and search for the tag "review" that should give you any session review/hh review/leakfinder videos in the results too (the video planning guide has instructions on how to use the advanced search feature near the top of that article).