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Draztic's picture
What programs do you use to help your game?

 Hej guys,

Im new here and really enjoying the videos. 

What programs do you use to help your game?

I know Pokertracker, holdem manager, heard about sngwizard but not really sure what that is?

I didnt use any programs before but i really want to keep track of my game so i need a program like pt or hm.
But the problem is that i have a macbook and they dont seem to work on that.

Any suggestions?


RyPac13's picture
Sharkscope. I used to use


I used to use PT, then tourney manager, but I don't really update results much, I just once in awhile check my scope.  I find it's easier to keep my mind separated from the results if I don't look at everything specifically.

On the other hand, I used to be a stats freak about my own results, which I think has led to me being content without daily or even weekly updates on my own results.

Radeh's picture
There's already a software

There's already a software thread somewhere in this forum ;)

I strongly suggest you download Pokerstove, and the "Shortstack Calculator"...probably the 2 most useful tools outside of the poker client itself.

HEM is obviously the nuts too.


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Nightrain's picture
I google it but nothing

I google it but nothing really looked like a Shortstack Calculator, so what exactly is it?

and where can I find it?

Radeh's picture
Spend 15min/day working with

Spend 15min/day working with this program, and it'll improve your game a lot imo. Perfect to figure out shoving ranges against specific villains.

The program will NOT work while you have Stars running though, not sure about FTP.

The Omaha calculator on that site is pretty cool too, but PLO is the devil's game :)


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RyPac13's picture
Oh yea, I use pokerstove

Oh yea, I use pokerstove too, pokerstove is great, necessary in my mind.

Once you get comfortable playing around with it, it becomes pretty useful.

I think there's some tools out there now that if properly used make pokerstove obsolete, but I haven't messed with any of the new stuff lately.

Nightrain's picture
 Does anyone have a link

 Does anyone have a link for the shortstack calculator?

Radeh's picture
The link is is my last post

The link is is my last post ;)


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xSCWx's picture
Radeh I think you're crazy

Radeh, I think you're crazy because I don't see a link there either.


Radeh's picture
I pre-emptively accept your

I pre-emptively accept your appologies mate :D

(Click on the "this" in "Spend 15min/day working with this program" in the post I mentioned...not my fault if hyperlinks aren't highlighted properly on this forum!)


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AQs's picture
 what about

 what about pokerazor?Does anybody use it?