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The Little Fish's picture
What Videos do you recommend?

Hey guys.Just purchased the standard membership. Was wondering what videos you would recommend since this site has so many to offer by alot of great players. Looking for videos against different types of players, endgame and any other type of videos. I play reg speed games @ the micro level so i have ALOT to learn. Many thanks!

STP1923's picture

I started with Cog's vids backin the days as he calms my aggro tendences down :)

Barrin's picture
Thinking like a winner is a

Thinking like a winner is a good series, if you did not watch similar yet.For the beginning I would focus on session reviews rather than live play (because in session reviews one has more time to explain why he takes a certain action, which will make it much easier for you to understand the live video correctly).Cog has a somewhat 'dfferent' style, but I like it a lot (otherwise I would not had let him coach me in HT and Turbo HU SNG ^^). But allways remember: there is a BASE style vs unknowns and after that you have to adjust and in order to do that any video that explains WHY an action is favourable over another and any video that shows you how to read the opponent shall aid to best vor the time being.
