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DntCaltACmBk's picture
When do you play your MTTs?

Wondering how the daily HUSNG grinders fit in taking shots at MTTs?I've considered running one in the background while I meet my HUSNG volume but I've gaiend so much by single tabling these days I'd hate to have my focus split. After I'm done with heads up for the day I could always load up Stars again in the evening and play MTTs just for fun - I'd hate to be one of those poker hermits but maybe a couple nights a week if nothing's going on it'd be a good way of fitting in the bigger tournaments.

mjw006's picture
What stakes you play? What

What stakes you play? What mtt stakes do you wish to play?Them 2 questions are pretty important really when considering the value in mtt's and if/when you should play them. To be honest I would advise that if one wll take too much attention from the other than you should try to avoid it though and play sessions seperately if you want to play both.

DntCaltACmBk's picture
Hey mjw, I was thinking of

Hey mjw, I was thinking of you specifically when posting this. Congrats on your big Sunday. I'm rolled for the $15 STs, moving up to the $30 STs soon enough. I'd be playing the smaller buy-in tournaments like the $3+R etc. Up to $11 probably.I do agree that playing them separately is probably best. I'd likely have to treat playing MTTs as something to do for fun - i.e. instead of going out to a bar I stay in and bink a big tourny.

mjw006's picture
haha life balance is really

haha life balance is really important and if you get into mtt's that becomes somewhat difficult. If you are going to play them simultaneously, one of the benfits will be that you are kinda making yourself play decently long sessions in husng as long as you're still in the mtt's. That would certainly be one of the benefits. Playing them stakes there will basically always be something juicy starting within the 30 mins of you starting your session and if you actually think about poker (STs don't really count =P) then you should have a pretty large edge too.

DntCaltACmBk's picture
Yea I like the idea of doing

Yea I like the idea of doing them simultaneously so that I preserve the "poker part of my day" and "the real life part of my day" as separate... But do you think play across both types of games will suffer because on one hand I'm playing a very specific style in these 25BB games and on the other I'm actually playing thinking poker? Does the brain work that way, Dr. mjw?

DntCaltACmBk's picture
Just tried it. My brain

Just tried it. My brain cannot.

mjw006's picture
haha. Some people can, some

haha. Some people can, some people cannot. When I was first transitioning I was playing both at same time (like 5-6 mttt's and 1-2 husng), and I know that someone like ricestud can play one million mtt and 400 husng at same time. I'm sure you could train yourself to be able to do it though. You do have to remember though that ranges are just completely diff in mtt's to husngs.

DntCaltACmBk's picture
I had enough trouble

I had enough trouble balancing a HUSNG-ST and a HUMTT this evening - chk/jammed midpair for full 1500 stack....I was still in ST mode :\