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pokerfun666's picture
where is part 2 & 3 of cog dissonance video ?

I watched cog_vid17 - fundamentals of hu poker - playing a tight oponent He says there is also a video on playing a loose asgressive player and a calling station.Cannot find them though , pls post link if u found them.

pokerfun666's picture
read a bit of the forum and

read a bit of the forum and realised they may not be here. anyway  , is there a video about playing and aggro/calling station that has some slideshow / theory concepts explained ?

RyPac13's picture
Cog hasn't done any more

Cog hasn't done any more fundamental course videos.  A few students complained when he released that, because they paid for 4 courses at the time.While I disagree with it being unfair for him to make the videos, I am hardly an objective person to ask and at the end of the day we're not going to ask coaches to do anything that would piss off students or make them feel uncomfortable doing.As for aggressive videos, check out our Video Learning Guide.  It's the first article under "free"  "articles" currently.  It has a section for aggressive opponent videos, among others.  We'll add loose player video recommendations soon (there are quite a lot of those).

IB_Fishing's picture
Look at the Title of Cog's video

The title of most of Cog's videos tell what type of player he is playing. No slide show or power point presentation in them but Cog does a very good job at explaining the **Whys** and the **Hows** of adjusting to different player types.Be sure to check out Cog's Vid 41 on Post flop play. It has a Presentation followed by demonstration.PaulIB_FishngLearned a lot about adjusting to players from Cog Dissonance

RyPac13's picture
I agree Paul, which is a

I agree Paul, which is a major reason I feel that the HUF series should be made.  The information is already there, the only difference is really from a marketing standpoint (aside from a few slides).  It's much better to be able to call somthing heads up fundamentals: Loose opponents than it is to say "Cog plays a loose opponent."Another thing is, that there's a lot of value in still taking the course, even if the video is released.  With the course, you get his instant feedback, personalized to how well and poorly you're receiving and applying certain concepts.  I know for a fact that Cog has gone well over the usual time for some students that didn't grasp the material as quickly as others. But, those are my views, I obviously want to see that series come out because I think it would be good for the site.  He's now offering it again with his private coaching, so I think there's less of a chance that all my views are closer to correct now, or at least realistically less of a chance that him making the series will not bother people anymore.  We will see.

IB_Fishing's picture
I took the course and would

I took the course and would love to see Cog complete the Heads Up Fundamental Course. I would have absolutely no problem with it at all. I paid for some college classes and I would be foolish to think the professor/school will never put that info in book form for others to access at a cheaper price than what I paid to access that same information (bad analogy but I don't feel like thinking of a good one right now).Paul Collins, unless you GUARANTEED your students that this material would never be made available to the public, then you are under no moral or legal obligation not to finish the Heads Up Fundamental Course. As a matter of fact I would say you are obligated to finish the course because you said in the video there was more to come.Paul Collins just complete the Heads Up Fundamental Course for HUSNG and add some advance stuff to your private coaching sessions. Use the fundamental course on HUSNG as advertisement for your private lessons with the advanced stuff and make a lot of variance free money (Absolutely no strecthing in that paragraph)If you really feel obligated then send each student who paid for the original course a Power Point Presentation video with the advance stuff added to it. Win/Win for everyone! You can send it just like you sent us the outlines (Your student Dominick sends a variation of your course this way).PaulIB_FishingSending Cog a bill for marketing his stuff.

RyPac13's picture
Another compromise might be

Another compromise might be giving each student of his that took the course access to any HUF videos that are made in the future prior to their release.  Not only would they have had the benefit of having this information much earlier (from when they took the course) but also in having it a week-month sooner than it being released on the site.I still feel it shouldn't be a big deal, but being realistic, I think that's a compromise that should satisfy everybody.