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rul3zz's picture
which adjustment take ?!?

hi all, i want to know what is a perfect adjustment for this opponent: I like raise x2 pre-flop. Opponent call 80+% OOP preflop and likes to get showdown. Villain call my C-Bet 45+%. If I check on flop, Villain if it has not donkbet flop,he lead out on turn in minibet.Flop opponent donk bet with minirase. With a raise does not fold but check turn or but still donk bet turn with minibet. River, if my opponent has a strong point and think that I can call a big bet, big toe, or mini betFor examplehero on botton. Blind 15-30.hand: 56s raise 60.Villain call Pot :  120. FLOP 39Q rainbow. oppo donk bet 30.Hero fold. but I do not like. Opponent takes advantage of me.Another example :hero on botton. Blind 15-30. hand: 78s raise 60. Villain call Pot :  120. FLOP 59K rainbow. oppo donk bet 30.Hero raise 110Villain call.Pot : 340Turn 8 Villain minibet 30Hero call 30.Pot. 400River 2 Villain minibet 30 Hero call 30. Villain win 460 with 49off suited . I can raise on the turn but the statistics and history, I know that does not fold even bottom pair.If I show a lot of strength when I have a good point, he folded.but if I play in a passive manner in which all hands are not favored and, I show strength only when I have a good point, he perceives my good and folds. However as a bluff or semi-bluff me to create very large pot with marginal hands or with any closed point and I do not like this against a player who often comes to the showdown.I can win these hu only if such opponent has two pair and I set. But not good !!!You suggested me perfet adjust with this opponent and video where opponent that donkbet and minibet much.

Barrin's picture
Showing strength is nothing a

Showing strength is nothing a calling station cares about. Being strong is the key.If you fold to a min-donk on this board with 56s, you probably should not raise it against a player who does this.


nekrogovner's picture
Preflop you can make two

Preflop you can make two distinct adjustments. Either start limping most of your range or tighten up and start 3xing preflop with stronger part of your range, lets say something like 77+, 98+ (i'd limp 22-66 and setmine given that villain will make your streets cheap).Flop. Continue with made hands and hands with equity, forget about junk. So flush draws, straight draws, double gutshots, gutshot + overcard, top pair, mid pair etc. If board is safe go with a cheap showdown value with stuff like Kx or Ax, sometimes you can even follow through with bottom pair just to see what is villain capable of donking you with.Now, about solid made hands. Pretend you are cbetting as usually. Say pot on flop is 120. Villain donks 30, you minraise to 60. Turn is 240. Villain mindonks again, you raise it to 120. Just like you are cbetting for half a pot all the time. Or you can do 3/4 pot if you prefer, whatever you know he will call safely with marginal holdings.Also, if you go with 3xing pre, you should probably stop when around 30-35bb deep and only minraise, but thats my personal preference. I don't like to bloat pot with small stack sizes ahead.

STP1923's picture
Try to draw cheaply, adjust

Try to draw cheaply, adjust your range by stop minraising your bottom range and attack him when shortstacked.Let him do that,it's perfect for you, you just need to bestronger in range and let him hang himself. 

rul3zz's picture
Thanks to all for the

Thanks to all for the answers. Unfortunately I tried to limp, but he raises constantly 3BB. I've never managed to send the remains starting forward (top pair -> two pair, two pair -> set), trips hittati a go go, etc. .. etc. .. :/ Sick run. The problem is that its range is ATC and can have pretty much everything. Then at my demonstrations of strength on the turn, he folds. but this makes me create very large pot and not well managed against an opponent like that. Perhaps the solution is to play very tight ... Top40% only open and play more OOP seeing many flops with speculative hands. I like this solution? Or do you have the best? Have you seen these types of video against particular opponent? (i m standard member)

crstn's picture
Actually this guy has a very

Actually this guy has a very low 3bet% and folds more than 50% to your c-bets, so playing less pots in position would be a big mistake imo, just open a high% of buttons and c-bet the hell out of him, especially on dry boards. Find spots where you can double barrell.Play a solid range oop and attack dry boards as he is c-betting a lot (especially if you look at how wide he opens preflop, he basically trys to c-bet all but the worst boards).Tighting up in position and loosening up oop can not be a good adjustment. I can't read your hud properly, so I don't know what his fold to 3-bet is (a tendency of players calling wide oop is to call 3-bets to wide), so if that's the case 3-bet a very wide range, but without bluffs in it.If he folds a lot to 3-bets I am sure you can figure out the rane you should 3-bet him :) btw, I noticed that he bets a lot after you missed a c-bet, so i suppose you are not c-betting him enough.I would like to take a look at a hand history is you want, because I like to exploit such loosy goosy opponents, just send me a pm if interested

rul3zz's picture
hi crstn, sorry but time to

hi crstn, sorry but time to standard member is finish today and i have lost your mail and pm now not exist. If you have a skype ?!? If you write your skype after edit message if you not tell in public :P

crstn's picture
I don't like to make skype or

I don't like to make skype or e-mail public, you can contact me under stone75 on 2+2