This guy has a 14% ROI at the 110 turbos on Bodog after like 4,000 games and a 18% roi at reg speeds and various other games. Just wondering how this guy is such an unknown. Could the reason for his sustained success be that he HASN'T become a coach and it is much less likely that people can watch and exploit his leaks they see in videos? Just wondering how a guy who has clearly mastered his level is so little talked about. Only thing I've found on him is that he is a complete dick to bad players. Sounds like livb112. Just wondering, I don't think I've seen any guys with that kind of insane success at turbos even at the micro level. Wondering what the coaches here think of him. I know Chessica must have played with him. How does a guy develop that big of an edge when the blinds increase relatively quickly?
One thing is for certain, him not doing videos has absolutely zero to do with his sustained success.Chessica can chime in about this specific player, but probably just one of/the best husng player on Bodog, which stops at the $100 level. Probably a solid $200 level winner on Stars, if he had to move there.Keep in mind that a guy like HokieGreg has made more in husngs on Merge (tougher network than Bodog) in 5 months than anybody has made on Bodog or Merge all year. He's also spent 2 weeks on running boot camps, a few days in a castle in France lately, some time off in Italy, and he's made dozens of videos on the site.That's not to say that this player is not good, I'm fairly certain he's a very good player. But just keep some perspective on some of this. He would probably fit right into our group of coaches here on HUSNG, with some being a bit more experienced and skilled than him, and others being a bit less experienced and skilled than him.
I've talked to abrafo quite a bit and also played him 60 games with a modest win. He's definitely a good player. I won't get into many details since it's unfair to him without permission but some of the general reasons behind his success are: 1. game selection He won't get bogged down in regwars. When I used to sit him, he'd just leave the lobbies. We're on better terms now and I don't sit him anymore.2. pot controlling well and avoiding tough postflop spotsWhile he obviously adjusts to his opponents, he likes taking mediocre hands to showdown over trying to get thin value from them. Similarly, he's willing to just give up on his air in tiny pots. These two tendencies work together and it's what allows him to induce bluffs when checking back his marginal hands. 3. avoiding marginal preflop spotsHe's not fond of 3-betting light or pushing marginal preflop edges like shoving 66 over a 3b. He sees his postflop edge as so enormous that he avoids bloating pots preflop even with strong hands. Of course, he plays his good preflop holdings more aggressively when he expects his edge to be smaller.4. solid mental game without large mistakesDespite his apparent "chat tilt," he's always in control of his game and you won't see him give the game away with bad and very expensive 3-barrel bluffs (as I'm fond of doing :D).5. reading hands wellNo one can excel in poker without this ability, even vs fish. Abrafo's not fond of hero-calling but he understands when he has to and won't get run-over either. The same goes for big folds. He reads hands well enough that he knows what spots to pick. In other words, it's a refined style to suck the life out of fish. The main problem is that it's easy to get into a rut because of everything becoming formulaic. When I tried a similar style, I got good results but felt I wasn't getting put into tough spots or progressing as much anymore. If your aspirations are higher than 100s, I don't recommend his approach because it's too ABC at times. In fact, he plays differently vs regs.
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This was me 3 years ago!
The description Katipo gave me of Abrafo or his results?P.S. I commented on your article and I think you just got pwned on what the statistic nerd would say and why. Just for the lulz.