Would it be ok for me to post a link to a youtube video of me playing for review in the HH review section? I did not edit the names of the players out, would this be a problem? Currently the video has no sound, but I was thinking about recording my thought process as I play so people could make more informed criticisms on my reasoning, etc. Is that sort of thing encouraged? Let me know if this sort of thing is only for people being coached or something, if its ok to post what forum to post it in, and wheter or not adding sound is a good idea, thanks!
That would be great!You can actually embed videos here from youtube. Here are the instructions. Adding commentary is also a good idea. Instructions to Embed Youtube Videos on HUSNG.com Forums To embed YouTube vids on the site, do EXACTLY this... On YouTube vid page, click Share. From the section that opens up click Embed. A text field should open up and have some code auto-selected in it. That's our embed code so highlight it (if it isn't) and copy it. Back to HUSNG where we're ready to make a forum post as normal. Select Input Format... and make sure it's set to Full HTML. Now click on Disable Rich Text. Now we can paste out embed code into the text area and hit save. (Make sure all fields are filled out etc and try to get the post right first time. This is because editing the post or otherwise redoing it can cause the video to disappear again. So at the very least make sure we still have a note of the embed code so that we can reembed the video).