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PHISH4CHIPS's picture
Zzz hyper pack calling range vs NAI 3 bets


starting to work through zzz hyperpack
his calling ranges  for nai 3 bets at 25bb seems pretty lose with hands like 74s 64s 87os etc
pretty new to hypers would it be a leak defendinding quite a bit tighter than this at 25bb?? As i dont feel comfortable playing in 3 bet pots with hands like 74s
PS this is for 3 bet sizining t90-100
paralellogram's picture
I guess it depends on the

I guess it depends on the villains nai 3 bet %, if it's like <10% then it's mostly high pocket pairs,
but at the micros there are a lot of guys nai 3 betting a lot of Ax hands, which you have pretty good equity against,
and also a lot of them is villing to stack off with overcards+ some draws if you hit top pair.

zZzTILT's picture
If your opponent is pretty

If your opponent is pretty tight especially with three betting it's fine to fold the offsuit Ax and the very bottom of hands like the ones you mentioned. Just have a good reason for folding and don't fold because you don't feel comfortable playing a wide range because you will get better with the weak hands only by playing them and analyzing the spots you're not sure about!