Lotte Lenya pulls back the curtain on his private coaching seminars. He covers a wide range of topics including bet sizing, donk betting turn barreling as well as flop and turn texture analysis. He also goes into depth explaining how to use PioSolver to analyze a flop in complete detail. This video pack also contains several gameplay videos.
Video 1:
Explaining to a beginner student how to analyse a T63ccx flop in PioSolver.
Video 2:
Explaining to a beginner student how to analyse a A96ccx flop in PioSolver
Donkbetting part 1&2:
Lotte explaining when and why to donkbet for every spot, and which sizes to use.
Lotte getting to the bottom of betsizing, explaining how to size your bets and when to overbet.
Gameplay vid1:
Lotte playing fish and 2 tabling a regular
Gameplay vid2:
Turn barreling theory and more gameplay:
Lotte explaining how to approach turn barreling, how to pick your bluffs and sizing, and why draws are not nessesarily the hands you should bluff with. Followed by gameplay footage
Gameplay vid 3:
Footage of lotte playing and explaining 100s spins
Analysing flop texture:
Lotte explains how to he analyses a 278ssx board in a 25bb limped pot. This is a good template and example to base your own Pio/SPF study on.
Analysing turn texture:
A follow up on the flop article, where we go over various turns and how we should analyse and construct our ranges on these.