Coffeeyay Explores GTO Solutions And What They Mean To Your Game

Using the powerful GTORangeBuilder software, Coffeeyay explores GTO ranges in HUSNGs and what these ranges mean to your every day strategy. Coffeeyay looks at a variety of limped and minraised pots using estimated GTO preflop ranges from Will Tipton's books. Twenty additional solutions that can be viewed online are included with purchase of this video pack, so once you've learned how to analyze GTO solutions in a valuable way, you can study twenty more solutions.





Coffeeyay Explores GTO Solutions And What They Mean To Your Game

Using the powerful GTORangeBuilder software, Coffeeyay explores GTO ranges in HUSNGs and what these ranges mean to your every day strategy. Coffeeyay looks at a variety of limped and minraised pots using estimated GTO preflop ranges from Will Tipton's books. Twenty additional solutions that can be viewed online are included with purchase of this video pack, so once you've learned how to analyze GTO solutions in a valuable way, you can study twenty more solutions.



Video 1: Introduction
Coffeeyay explains what Game Theory Optimal (GTO) means, answering common questions about GTO play. He also talks about how we can hope to learn from GTO play, applying it to realistic situations in game.

Video 2: GTORangeBuilder

The GTORangeBuilder program is used heavily in this pack, and in this video, Coffeeyay conducts a tutorial on how it works and how to use it.

Video 3: Tipton Preflop Estimates
Coffeeyay talks about Will Tipton's preflop estimates (used as the foundation of the flop GTO situations), and what they mean for the solutions in the video pack.

Video 4: J63 Minraise Flop Solution

Coffeeyay looks at a J63 board and the GTO solution for that flop play in a minraised pot.

Video 5: J63 Limp Flop Solution
Coffeeyay goes through a limped pot GTO solution for flop play and looks at major differences compared to the same situation in a minraised pot.

Video 6: Q97 And A63 Solutions
Coffeeyay explores two more boards, looking at minraised pot GTO solutions and picking apart the most valuable things we can learn in these situations.


About Coffeeyay

Coffeeyay has coached hundreds of students, with dozens in the mid and high stakes HUSNG games. He is known for having a fact based coaching method and being able to quickly improve many facets of a player's poker game. He designed CoffeeHUD, created the video packs Beating Spin and Go Poker and Math in HUSNGs, and was also instrumental in the design function of CoffeeCalcs.



Price: $149.99

Length: 2 hours, 20 minutes

Size: 916 MB

Format: .exe (requires Windows)