With the United States Department of Justice indictment of executives within the foremost American-serving online poker networks (PokerStars, Full Tilt Poker, and UltimateBet) making headlines, most of the conjecture has focused on the legal basis and frivolity of their claims. But what of the professionals for whom the games have served long-term gainful employment?
For some, the change has literally hit home. "I might have to sell my house. With about 4500 a month in expenses, if no income is coming in my finances are just going to freefall," said veteran heads up poker professional bcm11.
One player, HokieGreg, already has concrete plans to move. "I'm moving to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico in late June or early July” he says. “Once I get a non US bank account setup and proof of residence established I'll be able to play on Party Poker, iPoker and other poker rooms. I've always wanted to move out of the US and grind on a beach, but I just never built up the courage to go through with it. Honestly, even if PokerStars and Full Tilt came back tomorrow I would still make the move."
Others may not be as reactionary in countermeasures, but similarly pensive. "Black Friday affected me the same ways as it did many others and many that I’m friends with,” ruminates ITRIED2WARNU. “It changed our job, income, and for some it may change the country we live in. With a lot of money online due to the stakes that I play, it makes an upcoming wedding in five months a lot more expensive than it already is. With the encouraging news of [PokerStars and Full Tilt withdrawal arrangement for Americans] today, I am going to remain cautiously optimistic about poker's future in the US, but plans such as finishing my basement and taking vacations have been put off for quite awhile."
Still, some are already making adjustments. Barewire is focusing on expanding his popular deep stack heads up poker coaching program by offering half-off discounts. In these tougher times, some have moved away from comfortable sites, such as Croixdawg. "I've been playing on the Merge network. It's not the same, but it's something. Much less action, it's really tough to put in the same type of hours on the job as I was before," he laments.
But players are hanging tough. “I'm just trying to adjust by being as proactive as possible,” said bcm11. “ I don’t want 6 months to go by and think 'man I wish i would of done that right after pokerstars got shut down.' I don’t want to sell my house, but if that happens, then so be it. I've emailed a few companies that I respect a lot about my story asking if they would have any interest in hiring me. I basically have a blank resume and no college degree but if someone understands what it takes to make seven figures playing a card game maybe they’ll be impressed. It cant hurt trying.” He continued, “I’m looking at getting on other sites. I’m only playing $100 buyin games on a site right now. The games seem softer but I’m also appreciating every game way more now because nothing is guaranteed anymore and my drive to make money has never been higher..
Bcm11 also had words for fellow players. “One piece of advice I'd give is never feel sorry for yourself. Life has highs and lows and who works hardest and reacts smartest to adversity will prevail. If I end up getting a regular job, it would be a culture shock in terms of the way I live and my spending habits but maybe it would be a fun challenge. However I’m far from giving up on the poker career at the moment.”
Its gonna be 2 years a living in thailande , if somebody need help or info . Will be my pleasure ...