A new and exciting heads up poker platform has launched the funding portion of their project. King of the Hill (KOTH) is a 1 on 1 poker room idea that was the brainchild of Twoplustwo user Zach "Scansion" Jiganti. He, along with the rest of the team at GroupThinkLabs (LLC) will be developing this unique concept during the second half of this year.
Click Here to visit the KickStarter Project Funding Page
The team chose Kickstarter, a popular crowd funding website, to attempt to fund the project with a $50,000 goal. Rewards for users that help fund this project include in game and website credit, free tokens to use for the site and a blue name ($10 donation). Upper level rewards include the ability to design your own in game achievement ($50), custom deck and access to the developer's forum ($125) and even dinner with the team in San Francisco ($1,000+).
Take a look at their project today. Husng.com will keep you updated with all the major updates as we follow the birth of the first ever poker room dedicated fully to heads up poker. More information can be found on the link above or by watching the video below.
I thought this looked pretty neat and Scansion was always a great regular poster on the old heads up nl 2p2 forum. When I heard he was doing this I bugged him for details all the time.I hope it works for him and I myself (or the site) will probably donate something, maybe enough for the table naming reward or goal naming reward.Good luck Scansion!