PokerStars Expands Hyper Turbo Heads Up SNG Offerings
July 1st, 2011 - PokerStars rolled out two new, higher buyin heads up sng hyper turbo levels earlier today. The buyin levels were $58.74 + 1.26 and $98.12 + 1.88. The rake rate on each of these is 2.1%, widely considered to be fair and beatable with this structure.
PokerStars added hyper turbo heads up sng buyins up to the $30 level just ten days ago.
There are currently two lobbies for each buyin level and no word if PokerStars plans to add additional lobbies. There is also no word yet on any plans PokerStars may have to add higher buyin hyper turbos.
R-Quaresma (SkaiWalkurrr on PokerStars) has enjoyed these games, if only temporarily. "I've played about 350 hyper turbos in 4 hours. It's been fun, with Full Tilt being down, but I don't think I'll keep this volume up. Mass tablnig is always fun for me, so if the games stay full I might do it again a few times, but I probably won't make these a regular game of mine unless they add $500+ buyins."
Jacktheshipper (Renai$$ance on PokerStars) has played over 100 hyper turbo heads up sngs today already, and had this to say about the new buyin levels. "At first I was not happy with the fact that the same player can register both the buyins, but after talking to another regular, I think that this makes it tougher for soft winners to game select and I like this. I don't expect the lobbies to be fought over as hard as they are now though, assuming PokerStars adds higher buyin levels soon."
Ok im done for the day played 300 games / 10 hours, wished i could multitable like RQ xD night all , plz higher stakes hypers when i wake up!! ONE TIME;)
Higher levels please!