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puma10's picture
Multi Tabeling HUSNGs

I have been wondering if anyone has any advice in regards to Multi tabeling HU's.  Volume is a huge part of turning a profit however I feel like my ROI significantly decreases, when I am playing more then 3 tabels.  For a period I was multi tabeling up to 5 tournies across almost all formats (turbos, normals, and deep stacks).  This became to chaotic to adjust to the different players as well as the different formats.  

Does anyone have any sort of system that helps, or does anyone use software?  I have noticed that most HUSNG coaches don't use Poker Tracker in their videos (neither do I).  Do you guys think this would help with playing multiple tables?

Live session videos are amazing to me because the Pro HUSNG-oers (croixdawg, primo etc.) can not only handle mutli tableing - they can also eloquenty describe in depth what they are doing at the same time.  Is this just because good poker play has become so second nature to them?

Thanks in advance!

lovelydonk's picture
hi, i multi table a lot

hi, i multi table a lot ...it affects a bit the roi but not so much ...i 4 table a lot but it depends of my mood ...if i m relaxed and in an analysing mode it works fine .... if i m a bit tiltingor anything then its disastrous;.... so i think the best is just to adapt with your mood ...

RyPac13's picture
I would just move down a

I would just move down a level or two and add a few tables when you're focused.  That way, you can get some good practice in and if you really screw up it won't hurt you financially.  Once you're comfortable with the added tables and quicker decision making, move back up with that amount of tables.