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VegasJim's picture
Difference between NASH and Sage?

Trying to get a solid end game and am wondering whats the difference. I have only watched a few videos and heard primo talk about Sage and skates talk about Nash.

RyPac13's picture
SAGE is very similar to Nash

SAGE is very similar to Nash but I think it's a less precise, easier to remember strategy.

It's been so long since I've used SAGE that I can't even recall it off the top of my head anymore.  I used it when I started, but I mostly use a modified version of NASH now.

puma10's picture
You modify nash Rypac? Do

You modify nash Rypac? Do you mean you use it as a guidline along with your reads or do you mean you have actually adapated the table itself?

RyPac13's picture
I just modify it with reads

I just modify it with reads basically.

I haven't modified the table, it's something that would take a lot of time for me.  I believe others have done work in this area, with different levels of success.  Probably Skates, Tnixon, Big Saje and a few others that I recall.

I also stumble upon students or people I talk to once in awhile that have done the same.  I notice a wide variation of success from them.  I'm talking about success in creating a new and effective table, not overall poker success (though that varies as well).