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BvBrMTW's picture
How to calculate 3-bet shove equity? (without a chart)

Hey guys,

I've started playing husng's (turbo's ) on stars a while ago, And I'm doing wondering how I calculate the ev of a 3-bet shove.

I actually hate math, but I figured I might want to be able to do these calculations without a chart.

I've got this formula now (from the extra 1% series)


EV (Villain folds) = Dead money 
Ev ( Villain calls) =  win% * (deadmoney + Villain stack) - lose% * (your semi-bluff raise size)

But I miss something here, 

I can now calculate the ev when he folds and when he calls, but how do I put it together? (like, where do I put the % he calls/folds?)

Barrin's picture
Yeah. You are missing

Yeah. You are missing something. In order to combine the results you need to give weight to the probability that an event takes place. If villain folds 30% of the times, this means that he will call in 70% of the times.


BvBrMTW's picture
Yea but how do I put that

Yea but how do I put that in? 

Barrin's picture
[(EV Villain

[(EV Villain folds)*(Probability of Villain folding)] + [(EV if Villain is Calling)*(Probability of Villain Calling)]
But why would you wanna calculate it by hand anyways?


BvBrMTW's picture
Thanks! It's just that I

It's just that I want to start out doing it by hand, It can't hurt to at least know what's behind the calculation right?

Barrin's picture
I agree. The most valueable

I agree. The most valueable thing in "learning how to learn", may be to understand what is behind certain steps. At least, that is what I believe in. :)
