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Lucky_Hussle's picture
Better Ev with 4man husng long run?

For me its stunning 180% in under 40 games at 11.5`s. In the normal games its 0%. Why is that? Is it better to play those games? As everytime when you win one game you win one buy-in as a "free" and you can lose 3 games and win 1 to be break even. I think those games are pretty easy or then I am just running super well.

Mr Monkeytilt's picture
Well, 40 games is an

Well, 40 games is an extremely small sample size so the ROI shouldn't really be that significant. I'm not that familiar with the 4mans, but I would think a 10% ROI would be good for a good player at them.

Lucky_Hussle's picture
Yes I know that 180% is just

Yes I know that 180% is just a heater. I dont get it. Why I am playing so bad in 2man and winning almost every 4man. It looks crazy on the paper. I play 300 games of breakeven 2man, but win over 500$ from the 4man in a supersmall sample.