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razor25's picture
Reg Speeds / Turbos

Hi. I am pretty aware that the question of what is better, reg speeds or turbos, has been asked many, many times. I am not after a lengthy assessment, a comment on hourlys or, indeed, a 2+2ers thoughts from 2007. In fact, I would go further to say that the vids on this site have been so fantastic, that I just want to make sure I push on in the best way, so any comment form Ry in particular would be great ;).But if possible, what I am after from you intelligent people, is an accurate comment on what is better for me right here in 2011. I'll assess how I feel and please let me know of my inaccuracies.1) I have a good edge at reg speeds (15% at the 3s), but due to work commitments, my volume isn't great, so I feel that reg speeds are holding back more rapid progress.2) Obviously my edge will be much less at turbos (guessing 7% roi at the turbos is achievable till the 50s for your average guy/learner), but reg speed games dont go off much at the higher stakes, so it seems to me that I am better off getting used to the turbo structure now.3)  I probably have a medium tolerance to tilt, so not too bad. But the key thing to me is that average reg speeds are about 18 mins at the moment! So maybe I get too emotionally invested in a game when it goes beyond a certain point.4) Maybe - and this is the point I would love a pro to give me their thoughts on - I am flawed in thinking this, but I imagine, long term, fish gravitate more to turbos that reg speeds. If I was at the 20s, I would image there would generally be more fish at the turbos than the reg speeds (I suppose the fish in hypers play their part in makring me think this).***So as you can see, I am leaning towards changing my game type. So, mixed issues but after a good start, the last thing I want to do is give up because I got bored/tilted/learnt the wrong game type/poor volume. Any thoughts welcome.Thanks

cog dissonance's picture
Hyper turbos have all the

Hyper turbos have all the weaker players at the moment. I'd strongly consider learning those.

Skype/AIM- cogdissonance1

razor25's picture
Fair point but what do we

Fair point but what do we think long-term? Fair to say fish lose their money quicker at the hypers and will revert to turbos?

cog dissonance's picture
No, turbos seem boring once

No, turbos seem boring once you've played a bunch of hypers. There's no going back.

Skype/AIM- cogdissonance1

razor25's picture
Ok but from what I have read,

Ok but from what I have read, I see a lot of players are seeing fish burn through money. I can understand the allure of the hypers, but surely it isn't sustainable?!

RyPac13's picture
I wouldn't worry so much

I wouldn't worry so much about losing action in regular speeds for awhile.You're a lower volume player and you're at the $3s, so it's very unlikely that you can reach $50/100s with low volume within a year (even with a decent heater, I wouldn't expect any higher than $30s-50s unless you increase volume, I'm assuming you don't play more than 10-15 hours per week).Hypers are fine, but you're already winning in regular speeds.  I do agree with Cog about the fish moving to hypers, but that's probably just a $50+ level thing, the players that play the $10 no blind increase are probably just as big of fish as regular speed as turbo as hypers at the low levels.If you plan on increasing volume, I really think you should consider Cog's advise.  If you don't, I would really suggest just sticking with what is working, since you'll likely have fishy action in the regular speeds for 6-12 more months, maybe longer, depending on your success.Adjusting your expectations can also help with tilt.  As a low volume, part time player, you can't expect miracles to happen and you really have to have a tough mentality to deal with downswings that will last a lot longer in real time than they do for grinders (if you play 100 games a month versus a grinder playing 800, your 100 buyin breakeven stretch will last a month, their's will last 3-4 days... it's a lot harder to deal with the month part if poker is a big part of your life but you aren't playing that much volume).  Just be realistic about your expectations.It's a good sign that you're already winning a solid rate though.  I see a lot of players that only play 100-200 games per month, they even study with other players but just aren't moving up at a rapid pace and they get very discouraged and frustrated.  But 10 hours a week of playing really makes it difficult to have consistent success (unless you have a job in financial trading or you coach or you study like a maniac outside of that playing time, which is not too common in these situations).

razor25's picture
Thanks Ry, much appreciated.

Thanks Ry, much appreciated. Makes sense. Yeah I mean I probably play 15 hours a week most weeks. I am rather put off the hypers for the time being. Apart from anything else, they mean I'd probably have to play even more volume and combined with learning the nuances of a new game, I think I am better off leaving them for the moment.I think it is worth remembering to be realistic about what I can achieve with 200ish games a month. I think the main decision for me is whether I would move up quicker with reg speeds or turbos. My immediate worry is that I'll get a bit bored of the stakes - I would love to just reach the 30s or something like that. I guess it is just a case of working out how to get there best with 15 hours a week. My win rate is pretty good at the reg speeds, but volume is low and the dilemma stemmed from when I played a couple of turbos and the opponent's just handed me the game in about 5 mins as opposed to about 20!