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lovelydonk's picture
thanks a lot i m doing alright tx to this site

here are my stats




cereus network is just covered 60 % so my really cash is  3898$ now ...i just jumped to the 40$ gamesand gonna stay there for awhile ...the level feel easier ...
I d like to say tx to Croixdawg cause his style helped me a lot... Rypac and xw are a huge help as well for my mid game
and primo for his interesting video which helped me a lot on my end game...
whish i could learn from skilled sox or dibasio... i d really like to se a video with them...
HU rules!

RyPac13's picture
I edited your post bc it had

I edited your post bc it had like 8,000 words from Sharkscope's site that carried over for some reason.
I lost your stats in the process, could you please repost them?
Sorry about that, and very nice work.  It's very nice to see members making solid progress due to their own hard work and the information on this site.

RyPac13's picture
Edited in your stats from

Edited in your stats from Scope manually, let me know if you had a filter on or anything.

lovelydonk's picture