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Levian's picture
xSCWx 01 video

You are holding 62o on 6-7h-K-h OOP. You mention that if you expect villain to be stabbing that flop, you'd check behind so that he puts extra money in with a worse range. But you expect him to be checking behind, so you fire it cause u expect him to call with a worse hand.

I used to always think the opposite way. I believed that if villain is going to stab, we should be first to stab because our hand is weak and if he stabs we don't know if he has a higher pair or a draw so we will get in a tough situation. I am still very unsure how to play this situation. Could you please explain to me when we want to lead with bottom pair and why? And when we shouldn't?


Also another hand you hold 88 flop comes Js-Ks-6x. Your on button and check behind cause you think he's a spewy player and will bet many turns. What if he was a passive player, do you still like to check behind? If you do, how would you play most turns? And if he happens to be passive, do you prefer him to be station or are you looking to get him to fold?

xSCWx's picture

I tried to find the 62o hand but didn't see it. The description that you say I gave doesn't really make sense to me, so I was hoping I could understand it in my own words. Basically, if I think that my opponent is betting with any two cards and I have a hand that is ahead of his range and can probably make it to a showdown then I will let him bet. I would lead if I think there is a good chance that my opponent will check behind his worse hands (and thus have a chance to outdraw us). Leading out to try to stop your opponent from betting will make the hand more straight forward for you and easier to play, but I don't think that it is optimal in terms of EV. Another concern with this particular flop is that we will get raised by draws a lot and will be forced off of our hand. We aren't going to be going for 3 streets of value with bottom pair no kicker on a board like this anyways, so we may as well play pot control.
In the second hand, if we cbet he is going to call us with both pairs that are above us as well as a huge array of draws. If we are planning to bet the flop then check/fold the turn we are pretty much throwing away money if we think that he is betting the turn with his entire flop calling range. I think that calling a turn bet in a big pot like this is insane because with these stack sizes we will basically be forced to call a river bet on a blank and will get stacked by KX+ almost 100% of the time. Thus, I think the best line is to just play pot control and try to keep the pot as small as possible.