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sangoma's picture


Just started and signed up to husng.com

Was looking at your video and was wondering the following thing;

At 30:26 you hold AJ, what's the + point of min-raising instead of just open-shoving 10bb? You do this since he isnt calling your shoves that wide?  If he would call a big range, shoving would be better no? 

Also the 4 Q A sss hand at 18:00, you basicaly check-raise to not get into a nasty decision at the turn/river?Since you're not raising for value since you fold to his 3bet. Or do you raise for value because his callrange is still wide enough to get value from but his 3bet range contains only hands that crush you?   Never really raised on these kinds of boards with these hands so some info about that would be appreciated!   If he flatcalled would you fire on any non d? 

Thanks for the videos, havent played yet since watching them *watched them all yesterday-today* but I'm positive they will help me.

PrimordialAA's picture
the AJ hand:   If he was

the AJ hand:
If he was calling shoves wide, then yes, I would just open-shove, however I min-raise here in an attempt to widen his range a bit, and induce a shove. If I shove I only expect him to call Ax , pairs, and maybe QK, but if I min-raise, he might reshove, TJ+, 89o, alot of Kx, Qx, QJ, KT, type hands, all of which I am doing very very well against, so i'm min-raising to induce, and if he does happen to flat me, my hand plays very well post-flop, and often any pairs I flop will be top pairs.
I would not MR a hand like A2o here if I thought it was possible he would flat call me pre-flop. However if I thought he would only shove or fold, then I might MR A2o here as well.
The AQ6ddd board:
I am raising here as a bluff, even though my hand has some value, it has very little value overall, we arent doing that well even against a hand like 9x 2d , and alot of times he is going to fire again on either the turn or the river, which we are NEVER able to call. So I go ahead and raise here to try to push him off any low or middle diamonds he might be leading here, as well as some bluffs he might be making with any random hand like T7o with no diamond, that still have fair equity vs our specific hand, coupled with the fact that we have to give up on basically all turns and rivers if he fires again
Let me know if you have any questions on this, or on anything else,

sangoma's picture
 Bit late but, thanks for

 Bit late but, thanks for the response!