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mrbambocha's picture
Improve playing a 14-25bb effective stack

Hi guys.
I´ve noticed i have a really big leak when playing 14-25bb effective stack, (blinds 25/50, 50/100).
Any recomendation on how to improve this red-zone? (Low-stakes)

I think i play the first stage good, often take down the OP to $500-$700, by putting presure on the loose-passive guys and trapping the callingstations and LAG.

What im doing different when the blinds goes up is to tighten my range, bluff less and play fewer draws. Which is right?

mrbambocha's picture
Nobody? Or is this a bad

Nobody? Or is this a bad question?

RyPac13's picture
Hi, Sorry for not replying


Sorry for not replying sooner.  You are asking an extremely general question.

To give an example of how general the question is, I made an entire video (RyPac Video 09) introducing members to the end game.

I've also just posted a Fydor_8 end game video a moment ago.

To answer your questions:

I think i play the first stage good, often take down the OP to $500-$700, by putting presure on the loose-passive guys and trapping the callingstations and LAG.
What im doing different when the blinds goes up is to tighten my range, bluff less and play fewer draws. Which is right?

The biggest leaks I see in my own students in the end game scenarios is that they are folding way too many hands on their button and not shoving enough OOP against aggressive preflop raisers.

If your opponent is allowing you to minraise without putting much pressure on you (usually be 3-betting) then you'll likely want to keep minraising in the end game on your button with a wide range of hands.  If your opponent is folding OOP a lot to these minraises, then it is absolutely required that you minraise a wide range (somtimes every hand) in order to exploit the fold equity your opponent is giving you.

If your opponent is putting pressure on you by often raising your opens, then you might want to try exploiting them starting with a limp preflop on the button.  Often times players will allow you to limp and see a flop, and will often just check/fold when you fire out at the flop.  Keep in mind that the preflop blinds you and your opponent post are much more valuable in the end game than at later levels.  Posting a 100 BB for your 1k stacks is 10% of your chips in this level, whereas posting a 20bb for a 1k stacks is only 2%.  This means that stealing pots is so much more valuable to you at this point in the game, and it's a lot easier to steal valuable pots because they are often valuable after you post your blinds (as opposed to earlier in the game when you might need a PFR or a postflop bet to make the pot particularly valuable to your stack).

There are numerous details to go along with everything I've said, and I haven't even touched on many other points.

I would suggest to think about what I said above and try to identify your opponent and think of the ways to best exploit him.

If your opponent is playing a certain way, pretend you are playing similarly and think about the things you'd hate for your opponent to do to that style of play.  You always want to be thinking about how you can best exploit your opponent, but it is particularly valuable in the end game, when your reads are more precise and the blinds you post are a big portion of your stack, relative to the early parts of the game.

mrbambocha's picture
Thanks mate, i will watch

Thanks mate, i will watch the videos and hopefully have a better clue or else i will right u back :)

HUST's picture
  One thing I think is very

One thing I think is very important is how good your opponent are if he is bad I limp more sometimes down to 7bbs  and if he is good I push more sometimes I push with 20bbs. But I think agents any opponent 10-20bbs is the time to mix your play allot and limp trap, 2xbb raise, push. Because if your opponent gets a read on you here it will cost you more.
Also agents fish players I don’t really do anything different in the early game I raise ~ 85% of my hands from sb. (25bbs+) when we get more short I mix in limping limp trap push more in my game
Someone disagree?