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TheCh1mp's picture
Joined a NBI by accident again

How or why would anyone play these and wtf cant we filter them out ive joined one by accident 2/3 times now. You have to laugh I went all in on every hand and got called A2 vs TT and hit my A on the river........strangely I didnt accept the rematch as I dont want to start self harming! Im 100% at that level now and I'll quit while im ahead.

Sorry for the post I just wanted to mention how shocking they are! They should be banned or have there own sad site.


jackoneill's picture
Stars ?  Simply put

Stars ?  Simply put '-increase' into the filter box.

TheCh1mp's picture
that didnt work but "turbo"

that didnt work but "turbo" does ive been a spaz for 2 months, jackoneil thankyou a million times. I feel as happy about this as when I first discovered nash
