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deadhead240's picture
Free Huds?

Are there any free HUDs that I can use on Full Tilt/Pokerstars?  Ive searched around briefly but couldn't find anything.  Any help would be appreciated.  

dzikijohnny's picture

http://www.netpokersoftware.com/longhud Not sure how complete this is.

wabomushroom's picture
Hey   You should check out

Hey You should check out http://www.pokersoftware.com/categories/huds.htmlFree ones are:Poker crusherGametime+FPDB (Free poker database) FBDB also has it's own forum topic on 2p2 under free softwares, so you should check it out.Hope this helped.

Timoo1239's picture
Poker crusher is not free and

Poker crusher is not free and its website is not secure...Gametime+ is an add-on for pokertracker...but FPDB seems cool !

wabomushroom's picture
Yeah, I've just selected free

Yeah, I've just selected free ones, hadn't really checked them :)