I am a nitty hyper HU donk so I percieve anyones range as Ax, Kx, PP's, until they start shipping too many hands and I decide to punish them with J high.
If he's pushing pretty loose I'd go something like JTs+, QJo+, any ace, 22/33+, KTo+, K9s+. At least that's what I'd estimate at 20bb, truthfully if it came up more often I'd look at some equity against various ranges and probably could improve on that range at least a little bit (but maybe a lot).But against the occasional open shove at 20bb, a much tigher range is required.
Yea, just thinking about 20bb vs a loose shoving player, I think you have to call 33. 22 might be a fold though.Against a tight shover I'd imagine both are a fold.
something I realized happen a lot is when a lose player tend to shove tons and tons ...on his 4th shove ( 3 to 5th) he tends to have AA KK AK Q JJ TT and 99 in his shove range cause they know they have this lose image and realize we will open up our calling range.
Thats one of the perks of being loose. You jam bunch of junk mixed up with premiums, and it happens that villain just in that right time feels outplayed and decides to play back and runs into a monster. Ofcourse there is the other side of the coin to every story. Once you start jamming bunch of junk you are sooner or later destined to run into villains monster. :D
Yea, I'm totally comfortable playing the guessing game against the average opponent.Sure, some thinking opponents and successful opponents will do this well, but I think many people likely only benefit from mixing up their range when their opponent reacts with tilt or in a different non thinking, emotional way.Edit: In short, if you react poorly, they win, but often times they get too fancy and get away from "max EV decisions" and that of course is generally good for us.
I am a nitty hyper HU donk so I percieve anyones range as Ax, Kx, PP's, until they start shipping too many hands and I decide to punish them with J high.
If he's pushing pretty loose I'd go something like JTs+, QJo+, any ace, 22/33+, KTo+, K9s+. At least that's what I'd estimate at 20bb, truthfully if it came up more often I'd look at some equity against various ranges and probably could improve on that range at least a little bit (but maybe a lot).But against the occasional open shove at 20bb, a much tigher range is required.
I feel like I would remove 22-33 from calling range, these get crushed way too easy. Though I don't mind playing them around 10-15BB and less.
Yea, just thinking about 20bb vs a loose shoving player, I think you have to call 33. 22 might be a fold though.Against a tight shover I'd imagine both are a fold.
something I realized happen a lot is when a lose player tend to shove tons and tons ...on his 4th shove ( 3 to 5th) he tends to have AA KK AK Q JJ TT and 99 in his shove range cause they know they have this lose image and realize we will open up our calling range.
this is when we say : damn I run so bad I called with AT and he had AA, and teh fact is we got owned
Thats one of the perks of being loose. You jam bunch of junk mixed up with premiums, and it happens that villain just in that right time feels outplayed and decides to play back and runs into a monster. Ofcourse there is the other side of the coin to every story. Once you start jamming bunch of junk you are sooner or later destined to run into villains monster. :D
Yea, I'm totally comfortable playing the guessing game against the average opponent.Sure, some thinking opponents and successful opponents will do this well, but I think many people likely only benefit from mixing up their range when their opponent reacts with tilt or in a different non thinking, emotional way.Edit: In short, if you react poorly, they win, but often times they get too fancy and get away from "max EV decisions" and that of course is generally good for us.