I answered this exact question recently, but can't seem to find it.In short, it's more accepted that your EV adjusted is more likely to be your true winrate than your actual winrate results.So absent of any other winning samples you've had, it would appear the sample tells you were most likely around breakeven expectation during that sample.Now, if you had a sample before this of solid results, then we have new information to add into our estimate and you would be more likely to just be running a bit bad. Though as you can see in Mers recent article, a lot of times you're not really running bad, but playing bad/game selecting poorly, especially if you're having thousands of game breakeven stretches.
I answered this exact question recently, but can't seem to find it.In short, it's more accepted that your EV adjusted is more likely to be your true winrate than your actual winrate results.So absent of any other winning samples you've had, it would appear the sample tells you were most likely around breakeven expectation during that sample.Now, if you had a sample before this of solid results, then we have new information to add into our estimate and you would be more likely to just be running a bit bad. Though as you can see in Mers recent article, a lot of times you're not really running bad, but playing bad/game selecting poorly, especially if you're having thousands of game breakeven stretches.