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Jmonderson's picture
Average duration (minutes) of a Hyper turbo hu sng

Hey guys. I'm trying to get an idea for the average duration of a hyper turbo hu sng for different players relative to their roi% and buy in. Even the amount of tables played at onceĀ  and the sample size would be essential variables worth noting. If any hyper players come across this thread it would be great if you could post your average game time, average buy in level, roi%, multi table figures, and sample size.Thanks,

Barrin's picture
How about; you make the

How about; you make the start?


Jmonderson's picture
Average buy in level:

Average buy in level: $30Average Duration of game: 2.5 minsSample size: 2.1k gamesEv roi: 4.5%# of tables: 1